Chapter 2

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I ran downstairs and said, "Yes."

"Get ready some neighbors are coming to visit us." I smiled internally, as I would be having proper food after days. It's been days since I've had fresh vegetables and the taste of the juicy meat and the sweet and sour flavors of the sauces or the stew. My mouth had started to water at this thought.

"Wear some decent clothes." He says.

"I wear decent clothes!" I snapped at him.

He smacked my face, on which my already cut lip starts to bleed, "Don't ever talk like that to me! I am your father!" He shouts.

"You are not my father you are a monster." I will regret this. Then came a punch on my face, my nose starts to bleed.

"You won't have food today. You will only cook food." Yes, I regret it. I went to my room and cleaned the blood covering my face. Well done, Willow you got to have food today and you lost it.


A knock was heard on the door, "Willow, would you see who it is." My father is at his best behavior aka his fake, sweet side. To be honest, I hate this side and love it. In a way, this side reminds me his tenderness and soft spot in his heart. But, I will hate it because if he has it then why doesn't he show it? Why does he have to be so harsh with me? What have I ever do to him?

I went to the door, I wore white pants and a full sleeves black shirt with my hair in a ponytail. If this isn't decent then I don't know what is. I opened the door, and in front of me stood a woman in her early 50's and the same boy from today. He was wearing a black hoodie and denim jeans. Cute.

"Hello, I think you are the new neighbors," I said letting them in.

"Yes we are, I am Lilly and this is my son Justin."

"I am Willow," I shook first Lilly's hand and then Justin's. His hand was warm and soft. Then, my father came, "This is my father, Tiago," The name suits his behavior. I wanted to say. But I resisted, self respect is a thing after all.

They all went to have dinner and I went to my room as I didn't wanted to get jealous of them eating. I stood in my balcony, leaned against the railing to see the sky lighted up by the stars and moon engulfing me in peace. This is just refreshing everytime. Sometimes I feel that this is reality and everything else is my imagination. My cruel imagination. Soon, this was disturbed by the knocking on my room's door. I looked back it was Justin, "Why aren't you eating?" He said walking towards me.

"I ate before you and your mother came," I lied while looking at the sky as my tears threaten to come out. No don't. Please don't. I am brave and this doesn't hurt me at all. Lying is what I do everyday.

"So, you are Willow the waitress." He taunts.

"And you are Justin the gazer." I taunt back.

"No I am not."

"Then why were you staring at me?"

"Because in the morning, I saw you coming from this house before I went to the diner. I just wanted to know if it were you or I was dreaming. Hey, look at me." I turn to face him.

"What?" I snapped.

"Give me your hand," I raised a brow, "Do you trust me?" This boy is weird.

"No, I don't. You are a complete stranger to me." I smiled and folded my hands.

"But we are neighbors. Please accept this from me." He gives me a small box.

"Okay, I wonder, what it is?" I said examining it. It was a light blue box, as the size of my palm, tied with a white ribbon.

"Open it, when I go."

"Okay. But what is it?" I walked into my room and placed it on my nightstand.

"My mother and me give something to our neighbors. Like I have given you this box, my mother has given a big box to your father." He explained.


After a while, Justin went with his mother to his home. This means washing the dishes, for me. I started to wash them, when Tiago appeared with his fiery eyes. This means another episode.

"Why, did you went to your room?" He started.

"I wasn't allowed to eat." I said.

"That doesn't mean you go to your room!" He yells.

I placed the plate on the counter, gently when in reality I wanted to break it on his head. He pushed me to the wall and started to beat me. First he threw punches, in which I protected myself. Then the extreme level: he took his belt and lashed me severely that even the old wounds bled.

Once, he got tired and went to his room; I ran to my room removed my shirt; applied medicine to my scars (which I secretly brought and hid it from him); wore a baggy shirt and prepared to start my ritual. I went to my nightstand to get the blade but I saw the box Justin gave me. I remember what he told me Open it, when I go. I took it to my balcony as the wind made my hair move freely. Opening it, revealed a chocolate cupcake with a folded paper. It said, Can we be friends? I smile at it and start to eat the cupcake, slowly.

Something light hit my head, and falls down at my feet. It is a paper airplane. I picked it up with a confused face, unfolded it, what do you say? and look around to see who threw it.

I saw that the houses were dark except for the one on my right hand which was separated by an old oak tree. It was Justin. I wrote my answer and threw it to him. He read it and smiled at me and I smiled back.

Author's Note:
I am in no way supporting abuse or self harm.

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