Chapter 38

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I peeled my eyes open to Stuart shaking to wake me up, "What is it, Stuart?" I groaned. I threw the pillow at him.

"Get up, we have to go." His voice had a sort of urgency.

"Where?" I groaned again and tried to sound more awake.


I shoot upright,"What? When? How?" I need answers.

"Yes, my vacations are over. This means school. When, this afternoon. How, in your private jet." He explained.

"My jet?" I asked, confusingly. I don't have a jet.

"The jet you inherited, dumbhead." He pats my hair. I push his hand away. "Now get up and pack. I will inform Kyle." He went out of the room. I scratched my head and  started to pack, hastily.


I was wearing a white shirt, skinny jeans paired with high heels. The heels made noise as I walked on the runway. My hair was tied in a ponytail which swayed side to side as I walked. I feel like a businesswoman.

My luggage was loaded into the jet. As I went inside the jet, I sat near the window.

We were about to take off, my heart felt empty. It was as if something was missing, or a someone. But who is it?

"Justin." Kate walked towards me and pulls in for a hug.

"Hey, Kate. What's up?" We pulled away from our embrace.

"My dad invited you to record a song with me which will also play live on the radio." She said, excitedly.

"Oh, when are we going to do this." I asked.

"In a month." Great. "Want to have lunch?"

"Yeah, sure." We both walked to the 'Howdy' diner.

She ordered food and started talking. I wasn't listening to what she was talking about. All I could think was of Willow. That she was once standing right in front of my eyes. Her stern attitude which I first saw as she tried to harm herself.

Somehow, I felt empty. That she was going farther away from me, everyday. I wanted to tell her about getting my first shot. If she knew me she would have been so happy.

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