Chapter 5

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Today, I woke up feeling jolly, as I would be having breakfast. I got ready and went downstairs, "What do we have in breakfast?" I said sitting at the dining table.

"Scrambled eggs and orange juice, good for you?" Aunt Jenny placed the plate and glass infront of me.

"Yes, it's perfect." I started to eat the egg hungrily and drank the juice in one go. I got up and said, "Thank you for the amazing breakfast. Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go." She said, taking her bag with the a really young energy and enthusiasm for her age.


We both reached the diner and the first thing I noticed was Caroline waiting for me with a muffin in her hand. "Hey!" I said to her.

"Hi, who is this?" She said looking at Aunt Jenny.

"This is my aunt, Jenny."

"Nice to meet you I am Caroline." They both shook hands. "Here you go eat this," she hands me the muffin.

"Okay, now go back to work." I went to Aunt Jenny.

"I have my shift now, so I need to go, you could go and do some shopping," I said.

"Yes, I will come to take you in the evening." She kissed my forehead and went away.

Today, I worked energetically as I had breakfast. My mind was not concentrating on my job, it had went on a happy vacation that no beating for two months. These even meant that I could go out. Speaking of going out, I remembered Justin had invited me out. So I decided to text him:

Willow What's the time again?
Justin 8 pm
Willow K. Thanks.


In the evening, I went home with Aunt Jenny who had tons of shopping bags. She had practically bought the whole mall.

We went inside my room, "I have brought clothes for you." She placed the shopping bags on my bed. And they had covered the sheets. They were numerous.

"There was no need for this, I have many clothes." It's true. But I don't need clothes.

"No, you don't have 'your' kind of clothes." I raised both my eyebrows. What does she mean by that?

"What do you mean by that?" I sat on the couch. Allowing her to demonstrate her statement.

"Like. . ." she picked up a bag and took out an off shoulder black shirt. "Do you have this?"

"No I don't," I took the shirt from her hands and examined it. The fabric was soft.

"See, these are your real clothes not those clothes." She opened my closet. My clothes aren't that bad. I examined the other clothing. She had bought many types of tops, short dresses, shorts and jeans.

Then, she opened her suitcase and gave me a black velvet box. "This is for you." I opened it and thousands of jewels glittered. I was so delighted but I said, "Why are you giving me jewellery?"

"Because you don't posses any of them." She said and handed me a bag. It was a small, pink bag with flower patterns. I zipped it open and it contained a handful of make-up. "I don't need this." I gave it to her. "I have make-up."

She walked to my vanity and opened the drawer which contained a lip balm, medicine and concealer. "You only posses a concealer," I rolled my eyes." Now get up and wear this we don't have much time." She hands me a navy blue short dress with black leggings.

I made no objection and wore it. I looked myself at the mirror. The dress was strapless which showed the scars on my arms but they were hard to see as they were fading. It was good that it covered my back as the most deepest scars were there.

I went out of the bathroom, "You look beautiful. Now wear this," she hands me a necklace which had a tiny diamond. "Stop examining it, you will be late for you date." She said.

I look at her with the shock. "How did you know of this?"

Author's Note:
Somebody is in trouble.
Comment on what will happen next.

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