Chapter 24

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Today, is when I will meet Kyle. I wore a black tank top, jacket and black pants. Going to be all gothic today. Letting my brown locks cascade down my back.

I climb out of my window and dropped on a trampoline. This time, this wasn't the thoughts it was fun doing this.

I walk to the diner as the sky became petrol-purple as if going to sleep and the street lights illuminated the roads. Children were playing in the park, happily. The cold breeze soothed me as I walk.

Before entering the diner, I told myself no crying, please. I took a deep breath and enter. I soon spotted Justin, Kyle and a girl.

Not just any girl. Kate. She was wearing a white, strapless dress which touched the ground. It had sequences on its waist. It was more like an evening gown.

I walk to the table. I know why he invited Kate. I greeted Kate, she gave me a fake smile as always and Justin gave a half hug. I smiled, as I know she is jealous. I sit beside Kyle, awkwardly. Justin and Kate sit infront of both of us. "Your friend, Justin is so humorous," Kyle starts. "His friend, Kate is so charming."

Charming? Charming, my foot. I thought and smiled. "Thanks, Kyle. You are also a gentleman." Kate says.

"I see you wore all black," Justin whispers while Kate and Kyle talk in the background.

"You can wear black I cannot? I see you brought Kate." I pointed at her.

"If I wouldn't she would spot me hear and say that, "This relationship is over *starts crying as tears roll down*" He mimics Kate's voice. I laugh.

"You did a great impression, there. You look cute mimicking her." I smiled.

"She is so talkative. Eats my mind. "Justin this. Justin that"" I laugh as he mimicked. "But I have to be her friend as she is the one who can pursue my dreams."

"Friends with benefits?"

"Exactly, her father is a well known man in the music industry. He says he will give me a shot really soon."

"Good luck with that."

Johanna came and asked us what we wanted. Kate speaks, "Red wine, please."

She scribbles on her notepad, "Anything else."

"Apple cider. The rest, we will decide in a while." I told her and she walked away and Kate and Kyle talked. "Does she like wine?" I grimace.

"She lives on it, why did you order Apple cider?"

"It's for me, I hate wine. The taste is so old."

"If you know wine is fermented. Which means it is old."

"Thank you for teaching me but I know that." I roll my eyes.

Johanna served wine and Apple cider. Kate popped open the bottle and poured it. Despite knowing that I don't drink she poured it in my glass. Everyone drank and I just took a sip of my cider. Kyle whispers, "You don't drink?"

"No I don't." I whisper back.

"Does Willow not drink?" Kate says in a childish voice. I shake my head. I want to punch her really hard. "Well then darling, you haven't lived life." She mocks.

Justin whispers something to her as I continue to drink my cider. He turns to me and say, "Don't take anything seriously.  You know she is a bit mad." He whispers the last word.

I giggle and say, "I won't." She gives me the death stare. I giggle at her expression.

Justin calls Johanna to take our order for food. I talk to Kyle for a while avoiding the topic of my denial for him.

Just then, my jacket and top is drenched. Justin and Kyle shockingly look at me. I see Kate grinning. I laugh, hysterically as if I had home mad and say, "You are so dumb. Who throws red wine on black clothes?" Instantly, I took my glass and threw the liquid at her.

Her dress became in a light shade of pink as she began to panic. "Thank you for such a wonderful dinner," I stood by slamming my hands on the table and headed home.


I changed into my pyjamas and climbed onto my bed with my phone. It had five messages:
Kyle What a great revenge you took.
Kyle I would like to meet you alone on Saturday.
Kyle If it's okay with you
Willow Yes I would be glad to meet you.
Willow We need to sort things
Kyle See you then. On Saturday.

I closed the chat window and move to the other messages:
Justin I am so sorry, for today
Justin I shouldn't had brought her
Willow It's not your fault.
Willow You did to save your relationship.
Willow I understand
Justin Still I am sorry for it
Justin I could make it up to you on Saturday.
Justin Sounds good?
Willow There's no need.
Justin There is need
Justin What do you say?

Without thinking I type:

Willow Fine.

Author's Note:
Aaah, she will meet both of them on the same day. What do you think will happen next?

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