Chapter 23 - Wednesday Morning: - Niall's House

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(5 days later.........)

I got up and went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I know I'll make some toasted bread under the grill!! That way I can turn it over when I want to. And make it into thin slices afterwards (basically just melba toast). Hmmm, that would be nice. Lucky I took my iPod so I could listen to music whilst cooking.

I kept one headphone in and the other out just in case something happened to the toast. Well who knows......? I mean it could burn. I continue to dance to the music freely. I love doing that. Two hands then grabbed my waist but I continued to dance. "Do you know how hot you look when you are dancing like that?!" This raspy, hot voice whispered in the ear that didn't have a headphone in it. I stopped my music and took out my headphone. Niall then spun me round to face him. And I knew what was coming. It was obvious that he was looking down the shirt of his, which had the top button undone. And he was smirking which just got me even more! I quickly turned and went and turned off the grill and took out the ready toast which had curled up. Then I turned back round to Niall who seemed quite happy with himself for some reason.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked just checking.

"Oh, I know what I want for my breakfast alright!! I want you for breakfast." Niall said cheekily whilst checking me out.

"You can get me later. Would bacon and an egg be okay?" I asked worried of his answer. It would be nice to make breakfast for him for a change!!

"Yeah that will be alright, thank you!!" Niall said giving up the fight. I wouldn't let him win anyway!!

"Okay, take a seat 'Mr Horan' and I will have your breakfast with you when it is ready." I said with a slight posh accent.

"Why thank you! How very posh!" Niall said whilst smirking.

Around 5 minutes later I had Niall's breakfast ready for him. "Ooohhh, this looks delicious. I'm sure it tastes it too!!" Niall said with his eyes lighting up at the plate sat in front of him. I was still hungry so I grabbed another slice of bread and put on some margarine then folded it so it made a bread and butter sandwich. Niall seems to be enjoying the breakfast that I made for him. He must be really enjoying it if he's getting through it quickly. I'm sure he would tell me if it wasn't! After a while Niall managed to finish his breakfast, in which he kept checking me out whilst I stood leaning against the counter opposite. The look in his eye's shows he's desperate!!

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