Chapter 8 - Sunday Afternoon:- The Date

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Emily's POV

Liam nipped back to the guys at their apartment just to make sure that they were cool with the date. And agreed to meet me at one of the benches at the park. I was really looking forward to seeing Liam again as I felt something special. Like we had a connection. I didn't feel it with Harry though. Whilst getting ready I had a text from Liam as he gave me his number before he left. It read "Looking forward to seeing your beautiful face again soon!! Lxxxx." It made me feel really happy.

As it got to 1.30pm I got really excited and didn't know what to do. I just really couldn't imagine how Liam was feeling.

Liam's POV

Emily is the hottest girl I know in her town. She shines so much like a star, and that's what made me fall for her. I don't know about the others, but I'm starting to like her so much more than before when I first saw her.

"Liam, Liam. You okay?" Zayn said snapping me out of my thoughts about Emily

"Yeah, just thinking about things that's all." I said trying not to make it obvious

"Let me guess, thinking about Emily?" He asked as if he knew what I was going to say

"Yeah, I was. I couldn't help myself!" I said trying so hard to take my mind off of things

"Trust me mate, we all know how you feel about her, we all feel a bit like that too." Zayn said making sure I was remembering

"Even though your with Perrie and Louis with Eleanor?" I asked unsure

"Yeah, but me and Louis were discussing that and said that you and Emily would be good together." Zayn said making sure that nothing was stopping me.

"What time is it?" I asked curiously

"1.45pm, why?" Zayn asked as if I had to be somewhere, which I did

"It's just I need to meet Emily at 2pm, and it'll take me ages!" I said really worried

"It's ok, there's a car outside waiting to take you and show you the park!" Zayn said trying to calm me down

"That's fine. See you guys later!!" I said to Zayn and the others as well.

"Bye" They all said in unison.

Emily's POV

I was walking along, the way I go to mineral-well hoping Liam wouldn't be late for our very special date. I mean it was our first date together without the others around us. I'm sure that we would have a great time!

As I'm walking down the path that leads to mineral-well, I saw Liam sitting on a bench waiting for me. I shouted "Liam!!" He looked up and we both ran to each other like there was no tomorrow. We were just so happy to see each other even though we saw each other this morning. "So , what do you want to do?" He asked me as we didn't decide earlier

"We could go to the fish and chip shop then come back and sit at the bridge that is across from that football pitch there. That is if you want to do that." I said unsure

"Sounds good. There's a car waiting in case we wanted to go anywhere." Liam said joyfully

"Let's go!" I said excited

We both ran down the hill hand in hand. Looking really happy. We got in the car and got to the fish and chip shop. We paid for the chips and the drinks that we ordered. Then made our way back to the car to go back to the park and bridge. The car went and parked next to the building where the football pitch was. We decided to sit at the bridge. Once we had sat down, I had notice that there was a fairly large group of guys I know from school. But they didn't matter. What mattered was the date that I had with Liam.

Whilst eating my chips, Liam made me turn my head. He was wanting to feed me one of his chips before he wanted to finish them. I did the same with him. We laughed at each others expressions whilst doing so. We got finished and downed our drinks, having a competition to see who would finish first. Some how I managed to beat him as he must have let me win. So, I punched his arm playfully. As I went to put the rubbish in the bin that was sitting in the car park, I felt two arms snake their way round my waist. And lifted me up into the air. I started to laugh as Liam did this. The crowd of boys who were playing football stopped to look at what was happening. They ended up seeing Liam and I joking around and ended up walking up to the fence to see what we were doing. Liam then put me down and spun me around to face him and I put my arms around his neck whilst he still had his arms around my waist. We were standing in the middle of the car park, just staring into each other's eyes. As if we were staring into space or even in a daydream. We had a little slow dance without any music but I still felt as if I was dreaming. We stopped side on to the football pitch and the crowd of boys were all saying in unison 'awwwwwwwwwwwwww' as Liam and I leaned in closer and closer to each other until we were just centimetres way, edging closer by the second. When suddenly our lips crashed together. That made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach. It lasted longer than I expected but it made me feel something special.

"That was amazing!" Liam said just after we pulled away.

"Yeah, I really felt something special. And that was my first time kissing a boy." I said trying to keep calm

"Don't worry, it made me feel like I'm the luckiest guy on the planet!" He said trying to reassure me a little.

"Even though I'm 15?" I said questioning him

"Have you just turned 15?" He asked wondering

"No, I'm 16 this year though." I said making sure he was okay.

"That's not so bad." He said with a smile

"Today's been good, I've really enjoyed it!" I said trying to change the subject a little, hoping he wouldn't mind.

" Yeah, I think we'd better get going and get you back home as the boys will be wondering." He said making sure I didn't freeze, as it was starting to get cold.

"Okay let's go." I said agreeing with him so that I didn't get too cold.

We got in the car and went back to my place. Liam walked me back to my door. "Thank you for the most amazing time!" He said in such a happy voice. "I could say the same thing!!" I said with enjoyment. We looked at each other for a moment. Then we kissed good night. "Call me tonight, yeah?" I said after pulling away. "Don't worry I will!!" He called over after he opened the car door and waved to me.

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