Chapter 11 - Tuesday Morning (Last week of term 1):- The Meeting 2

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Emily's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off at 7am. It was weird. Liam wasn't there. He might have had to get up, maybe a phone call to answer that was important. Oh I don't know I'll ask him when I see him. I mean it's not like he has anything to hide. Or did he? Well no way of finding out, but I'm sure that he doesn't like keeping secrets from me or any one else.

I walked down the hall following the voices that I heard. He was talking to someone who sounded like a male but I was unsure. Liam could tell that I was coming down the hall. I heard him say "Look I'll pass you onto Emily. She'll tell you that it was okay!"

"Hello?" I asked unsure.

"Hi. Emily, right?" Paul asked wondering if it was me.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked unsure yet again.

"I was just wanting to check a couple of things if that's okay?" Paul asked just checking what I would say

"That's okay. I don't actually mind." I said hoping he was okay

"First of all, were you okay with Liam being round at your house last night and over night?" Paul asked curiously

"Yes, I knew it would be a lot of fun any way." I said trying to not sound too excited. And winked at Liam!!

"That's good. Secondly, were your parent's okay with Liam staying overnight?" Paul wondered

"Yes, they were fine with it." I said reassuring him.

"Okay, that's fine, thanks." Paul said and I passed the phone back to Liam and they continued to talk.

I suddenly remembered that I had a meeting at 9:15am so I needed to get a move on if I was to get there on time. I hope that Liam knew that I had a meeting this morning. I heard him come along the hall. "Hey. You okay Li?" I asked curiously

"Yeah fine. Me and the boys are going to Aberdeen for a little bit of clothes shopping for a conference that we have." He said excited.

"Sounds fun. I have a meeting at 9:15am and should be out by lunch. I could maybe meet you and the others in Aberdeen." I said hopefully.

"Yeah. Sounds good. We can meet you some where. If you want." He said asking if I wanted to do that.

"Yeah. I'll text you later or something and we can discuss it. I'll need to talk to management. But, I'm sure I'm booked out of school this afternoon anyway." I said hoping I could manage.

"That's okay with me. Just text later and we may see you in Aberdeen later." He said half excited

"Yeah." I replied before I went to the bathroom for a quick shower. I knew that Liam would need in after so I tried to be quick. It was lucky my dad was out to work now.

15 minutes later......

Out of the shower. Liam went in and I decided to go on my family computer. Just to check emails and wattpad (see what I did there) not really much else. My mum found out that I had a meeting and has tried pushing me to get ready even though I didn't need to get changed for quite a while.

It's now 8:45am and I have 30 minutes before this meeting. I know that Liam and the guys will be meeting up at school so that they can get to the station together and stick as a group. My mum's not long left for work so I need to lock up after I leave. Both me and Liam are gathering our things together before leaving. It's just so difficult trying to do this sort of thing. Now locking up. I'm just so tired and I've been struggling to get to sleep, it really won't help my meeting at all. I could end up falling asleep. I got in the car with Liam. We got talking about stuff along the way until a weird question came up "Where did you get your phone? And what contract is your phone?" Liam asked and I thought it was a weird question. "Vodafone, Pay as You go, why?" I asked curiously. "No reason. I just wondered." Liam said trying to hide what ever he was thinking. "Okay, I won't ask." I said with a sort of unhappy face.

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