Chapter 15 - Thursday Afternoon (4th Period)

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Emily's POV

This morning went by so quickly. When I was in drama the guys said that they would come with me. And my teacher for once actually didn't go mental because of that. She actually allowed the guys to come see me do a bit of drama. They could learn a lot from me and my drama teacher. We got told to create a little production for my class and it was to be presented at the end of the lesson.

I couldn't believe they wanted to do a romance. Well they did explain the story line. A guy and girl meet in a club. They go on a few dates. They got engaged and told friends and family. Around 5 months later they got married. The trouble was that they couldn't decide who was playing the lead role of my boyfriend. They argued for ages and ages and wouldn't stop.

"Look STOP!! We aren't going to get anywhere if you guys keep arguing. Who isn't comfortable playing the lead part?" I asked worried. Zayn and Louis put their hands up

"Right. That just leaves you three (pointing to Liam, Harry and Niall). You guys battle it out between you whilst I discuss characters with Zayn and Louis." I said and they battled out who would be the lead. Niall backed out leaving Harry and Liam. We decided on characters. I was playing a girl called Sally, Zayn was the church minister and a friend of the lead male, Louis was one best man and friend of the lead male, Niall we said would be the other best man and friend of the lead male.

"We've decided whose playing the other lead role." Harry said a little unhappy. I think he lost to Liam.

"So who's playing the other lead role?" I asked curiously. I was desperate to find out who was!!

"I am. I don't know how Harry managed to lose." Liam said smirking at me as if he was happy about winning

"I don't know how I managed to lose. I was desperate for that part. Really desperate!!" Harry said unhappy

"More like desperate for my girlfriend!!" Liam said and winked at me.

"You asked for it!!" Harry said angrily.

"Harry! HARRY! Chill, it's fine. Look it's fine. I'm sorry!" I said and pecked him on the cheek. He blushed bright red. I need to try that more often!! We went through the whole thing a few times over just so we could manage it. We got told it was time to do the performance. I can't believe that Harry agreed to pretend to be a girl and put on a girly wig! I was speechless!! Then again it was really funny and he wanted to be called Sandra. It didn't feel the same when we were rehearsing.

10 minutes later.......

We finished the performance and everyone clapped a lot! We got good comments from my drama teacher. Which was good. It was so much fun though. And I think that the guys had fun because of the way that they were jumping around after when we were going to get changed. Once changed we decided to go for lunch. We went and chilled out in the canteen and had such a good time. For once Harry HASN'T been clingy after I kissed him on the cheek. It seems to work. He's actually laughed along with my jokes and didn't seem cold whenever me and Liam did things together. Unlike the others, who seemed really unhappy about it. Why can't they get over it and move on. Harry managed it. So why can't they!! Then again, I know how they feel because I've been there. Sometimes I couldn't get over people going out but eventually managed.

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