Chapter 24 - Wednesday Afternoon:- The Skatepark

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Well, here we are, at the skatepark for the video of 'Live Without You' the guys newest single (they haven't actually got a single called that just if people wondered). I'm looking forward to it!! Well, Niall was trying to calm me down up until we came here to do the video. It's now 3pm and we're getting prepared for it. It's nice just now and we're getting sorted to do the first part of the video. The second part, we have to wait to do when it's darker and there are lights for a party.

I went into a tent and got a little make up done for it. Niall and the others were getting a little make up done too. Once I got my make up done I went to see the others and how they were.

"Hey babe!! How are ya?" I asked Niall and pecked him on the lips. He seems happy to see me even though we haven't been away from each other for that long!! Just my Niall!!

"I'm alright. Lookin' forward to the video!!" Niall said cheerfully whilst standing up and pulling me towards him by my waist.

"You're not the only one!! I'm quite excited about it too!" I said happily.

"So are we!" Louis shouted over. Damn it. I forgot about the others for a minute there!! Well, they do have some advantages!!

"Sorry I forgot you guys were here. Lost in the moment!!" I said sounding surprised! I think they noticed! Maybe.

"It's alright. We don't mind! We are all like that sometimes!!" Harry said and patted me on the back. Gently though!! Which I'm glad he did!! Other wise there would have been trouble!! Which isn't good when I'm around. Just depends on if they'll behave or not!!

After getting make up done we were ready. So we walked to our positions, ready to start the video. I just hope that the guys do as they are told for this other wise I will go absolutely mental!! And my reputation will turn from good to bad. And I don't want that to happen. Well I've had that happen before!! The last two verses will be done when it's darker because it'll be like a party. I can't wait for that bit!! Exciting!!

1 hour later.......

It's now dark and just waiting for the lights to be set up. And everyone in my year is in place just waiting for us to start again. At the end of the last part the guys and I ran down from the sides and met at the entrance of the skatepark with me being in the middle. The lights were eventually ready. And we started off again. The best bit of this video is the very end. The reason being that it's the only up beat part of the song. Niall said that him and the others really liked the idea of the song and they liked the way that I had intended to do it.

Everyone is jumping up and down, doing random dance moves. Really enjoying themselves. I think this video will be good. I've been doing a behind the scenes video as well. Which has been good to do. Hopefully get that finished after the video has finished.

The very last lyrics were sung by the guys and that was the end of the video. That was so much fun!! I'm glad I've done it! "That's a rap!!" The director said after the last line. Everyone started to cheer. I went and spoke to the director and a few people I knew whilst the guys did a little bit more of the behind the scenes video. I then got talking to Maddie. "That was so much fun! I'm glad I did that!!" I said happily. Maddie was smiling at the fact that I enjoyed the video. "Yeah. That was really good. You should go finish your behind the scenes video!!" Maddie said pushing me on. I then went and finished the bts (behind the scenes) video and then got talking to the guys. They fairly enjoyed themselves as well as I did! Which I'm glad they did.

We all went to the chippy to get dinner then went home. Well, we've had a busy afternoon. It's better if we put our feet up whilst having our tea we should be alright.

4 days later........

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