Chapter 6 - Saturday Morning

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It feels really weird to be a dancer for a world famous band, but it's good to know that there's people out there who actually like watching the band and that they will see the dancers too. I mean when I got up this morning at 7:30am there was someone, who looked from around here, just camping outside of my house. It was only visible from my living room window. They were still there after I had to disappear off for a shower and came out to find them still there. I mean really, is it all necessary that they camp outside my house till I go out some where or go out to see them. I didn't recognise them until I saw them still there when I checked again. He looked awful like someone I know from school. But, there's no way that he's mad enough to stay outside my house. When more turned up to stay with him I really started to think that it was how I thought it was. A guy in my maths class I thought would never stoop this low in doing something like this. He just wouldn't do such a thing.

I was just checking through my phone looking at things on it. I slid it down to lock it (it's a push up phone.) When suddenly........ My phone started ringing out of the blue. My mum was in the shower. It was an unknown number that came up on the caller ID. So, I thought just answer it. Then I answered.......

"Hello?" I said not knowing who was on the other side of the phone

"Hello, Emily." This deep British accent said without hesitation

"How do you know my name?" I asked not sure what to say next

"Well, it's kinda a long story and well our management tell us things about what your doing." He said trying to reassure me. But it didn't help any.

"Ok, but you didn't tell me who you are." I said trying to get around what HE just said.

"No time for explaining, just be at the train station, on the platform for Aberdeen at 10.20am and it will all be clear." With that the line went dead and I was just left hanging on the other end.

Be at the platform for 10.20am and it will all be clear. Yeah right and it will. I thought to myself. It was starting to scare me. It was now 10am and I'm not even dressed. I need to get dressed and go so that I'm not late. How on earth will I manage it?!?!?!?!?!?! It won't end well and to be honest I don't have a good feeling about this as I don't have a clue who this person was or if there was more of them. Here's hoping it's not some sort of joke otherwise if it is then whoever it was playing the joke is so for it when we get back to school on Monday!! It's just I don't like it when people play these sorts of jokes on me as it isn't that funny, well for me that is, I mean I bet if it was a joke this person would be thinking it's hysterical and probably thinking that I'm so nieve. I'm not as nieve as I use to be as I've started to become a lot tougher. Not like anyone noticed.

It's now 10.10am and I should get going or this train. So I said bye to my mum and said I would text her when I was in Aberdeen. It was nice of them to give me spending money and give me some money out of my account to go buy things for myself and also other things for London. Not that I'll be buying a large suitcase yet as I don't know when I'm going! Listening to music on my way to the station as I feel so alone but don't want to be noticed too much. Just got out of my house, and greeted by people who have been there since early this morning. I stood to talk to them quickly before I said that I had to go and catch a train. I'm walking up the road that leads to the station. And I see a car with really tinted windows but it looked like a normal car ..... could it be the person who told me to be at the station for 10.20am, well who knows and I will probably find out sooner or later who this person really is. As I'm standing waiting to get my ticket I get a text and it's from the person who phoned me earlier this morning. The text read....... "Lookin' really sexy in those jeans and that nice hoodie and hat of yours," that made me feel as if I just wanted to scream out at somewhere really quiet so nobody else could hear me.

It was coming up for 10.20am and there was no sign of the person who phoned me and I started to get suspicious. When, all of a sudden there was 5 boys walked out the door. I'm sure I recognised them, but when I took a closer look. It was who I thought it was................ One Direction. Why on EARTH were FREAKING One Direction in my town!! I mean seriously, I didn't know they would even turn up. They must have seen me standing on my own with my back to them. Suddenly, I got a text from the same number that phoned earlier, it read "I'm standing on the platform and I know you have your back to me!" I suddenly turned to One Direction waiting for me to turn around and look completely shocked. Which I was. When I was looking at them, Harry and Louis were smirking but Niall, Liam and Zayn were just giving a normal smile.

I walked over to them and they introduced themselves. But, something didn't seem right when I introduced myself. There must have been something that I'd done. Oh, I don't know, it must just be a phase that they were going through. We got talking and sat together on the train when it came. They how to make me laugh. And we just seemed to get on really well. We laughed and laughed until we got into Aberdeen; it was good to know that I could get on with them really well. Niall ended up saying at one point during the train journey "you know Emily, your a really good dancer," I kinda looked at him as if he was speaking a foreign language and replied back "how did you hear about my videos?" Niall looked at me from across the table and said "Simon thought it would be good to let us hear you, as we found out that you were offered a place with the dancers." I sat there and replied as swiftly as I could "And what did you guys say then?" Niall looked at me then at the boys who nodded at him to tell me the answer to my question. Eventually Niall answered me "After we had seen a photo of you as well, we said to Simon ....................... that we are wanting to work with you in the future." I sat and looked at him for a moment then replied "well that's lucky, because I want to work with you guys too." They all had happy faces and gave me a big smile. We eventually go into Aberdeen and got off the train.

We were having such a good day........................ that is until one of the guys was getting a bit too close. A bit too close for comfort. What was he thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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