Chapter 12 - Tuesday Evening:- The Congrats Party

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Me and the girls got talking as the limo started to move. "Look Emily, we're going to have to put a blind fold on you just now. I'm sorry, it's because of the surprise." Eleanor said sounding sorry.

"It's okay. I don't mind." I said not too sure

"We'll help you out the car when we get there don't worry." Perrie said trying to sound hopeful

"Thanks so much" I said as the blind fold was put on me. I suddenly felt scared. But also worried. Perrie and Eleanor could tell as they tried to reassure me.

I could tell that we had got to traffic lights, as nobody said that we were there. After we started off again from the traffic lights, I got more and more excited. I don't know if the others noticed it just grew so much, the excitement I mean. The boys must have gone to the airport to meet Perrie and Eleanor. That's probably why they left for Dyce at the station! They could have said, I would have gone with them. Probably didn't want to ruin the surprise. I don't blame them to be honest, for my own good and protection.

Time went by quickly and we arrived at our destination. "We're here" shouted Eleanor making me a little nervous. I know that one of them opened the door but didn't know who. "C'mon I'll help you out." Perrie said from in front of me. She did just that. Eleanor was behind me. They both took an arm each and helped me to where ever we were. The more we walked the more nervous I got about it. It was a good nervous though!

It was weird. We got to where ever this surprise was and it was silent. Absolutely no noise what so ever. I felt as if there was someone or something behind me. I didn't know what. I then took my blindfold off to see Eleanor, Perrie and everyone in my year in front of me. Shouting SURPRISE!! I was freaking out. Perrie and Eleanor pushed my back up against the stage. A pair of hands came over my eyes. "Guess who?" This voice who sounded like Kermit the frog said to me. "Oh I don't know!" I said playfully then turned round to see Liam and the others on stage looking smart. There was a big banner that said Congratulations Emily!, I was so happy.

They then said that they were going to do Everything About You. Just before it started Liam said "Just before we start, I'd like to dedicate this song to my lovely girlfriend and hostess for the night, Emily!" Everyone said in unison ........ Awww. I just blushed. Eleanor and Perrie noticed as they nudged me. "Come up on stage and dance with us. It'll be fun!" Liam said to me and the girls. The others nodded to say it was fine. So we did. Everyone seemed happy about that. Me and Liam stood in the middle of the stage during the song.

We had such fun. Me and the girls sat at the edge of the stage when the song was finished and decided to chat away. "Did you know that there's a competition for best couple?!" Perrie asked worried.

"No, is there?" I asked unsure if there was and what to say.

"Yes. And there's special guests coming in to announce the winner at the end of the night. It's the school head teachers choice." Perrie said making me less worried.

I heard the boys talking to a couple of other guys on the stage behind me and the girls and thought Who could it be I wonder? To be honest I didn't want to know. Unless I was introduced. Liam came running up behind me and grabbed me. The girls went to mingle with some of the other girls in the room. "There's a couple of people I'd like you to meet." Liam said excited. I nodded. He then took me over to where the other guys were. The minute I saw who it was I just couldn't believe it. It was .............. Ed and Nick. I didn't think for one moment that they would turn up to such a thing like my congrats party.

"Ed, Nick. I'd like you to meet Emily. My girlfriend." Liam said entwining our hands

"Nice to meet you Emily." Ed said peacefully

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