Chapter 1- The Mortal Instruments

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (but Grace and Philip), the main story line and settings belong to the amazing Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip and my own story plot belong to me. The Infernal Devices do not belong to me.

'Got fist of pure emotion
Got a head of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now

Whatever I said, whatever I did,
I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good.'

-Back For Good, Take That


-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

"What are you doing in here?" Grace asked as she entered the training room, dressed in her usual gear. Her voice echoed around the rafters that she would usually practise her flips and jumps from.

Her question was directed at the dark haired girl who was standing in the middle of the room, attempting to throw knives at on of the targets painted on the wall. Cecily blew some of her hair out of her face. It has been a few weeks since she had made her surprise appearance at the Institute, and saying that Will was not happy was an understatement. Grace had found out later that night what Tessa had said to him beforehand. Having that kind of rejection and then his sister turning up was almost too much for him. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Will was going through.

"Practising," Cecily replied curtly, not even turning to look at Grace. Grace smirked to herself and lent on the nearby wall.

"Then you won't mind me watching," she said. Cecily gave her one of Will's deadly looks but didn't say anything. She turned back to the target and threw her knife. It hit the wall and clattered to the floor.

"Don't laugh," Cecily barked at Grace as she stalked to the target and swept up the knife from the floor. "I don't have your years of training. And since no one is offering to train me to defend myself, I'm trying to make do on my own."

"I'm not going to laugh," Grace said, pushing off the wall and going towards Cecily. "And don't worry, I'm not going to give you Will's trademark cold shoulder either."

"Then what are you doing here?" Cecily asked, somewhat dubious.

"Well, Will is brooding in the library so I can't go there," she said. "Jem is currently with Mr Lightwood, and you will know by now that Gideon isn't one for conversation. And Tessa is looking at wedding cakes with Charlotte, which is pure torture if you ask me. So, I have come to the conclusion that, as nobody is around, I can train you without getting killed by your brother."

"So you think you can waltz in here and- wait, did you say you'll train me?" Cecily was so shocked that Grace could help but laugh.

"Yes, no need to act all surprised," she said. Cecily shoved the knife she was holding into Grace's hands.

"Show me how to throw knives," she said rapidly. Then she looked around, her eyes wide. "Or how to use a sword. No, no, no, teach me how to shoot a crossbow." Grace laughed and shook her head at the other girl's questions.

"You are not getting any weapons training yet," she told Cecily. "Not until you learn a little more about Shadowhunter history and culture." Cecily crossed her arms and gave Grace a look which she just shrugged at.

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