Chapter 12- Lies

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (but Grace and Philip), the main story line and settings belong to the amazing Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip and my own story plot belong to me. The Infernal Devices do not belong to me.

Ok guys I know that we haven't seen Philip in a while so he'll be in this chapter for you for those of you who were missing him ;)


'How do I choose between my head and heart?'

- All Time Low, The Wanted


-*-*-*-*- Will -*-*-*-*-

"...and Tessa wouldn't leave!" Will finished his raving in the carriage, firing everything he had at Jem about why things went wrong tonight. Grace sat rolling her eyes at everything he said in the corner. Jem had pulled her  into the carriage first and then Will afterwards to get them both away from Gabriel Lightwood, much to Will's annoyance. Although, he couldn't blame Jem for pulling Grace in. But Will? He could have handled it.

"Her brother was manacled to a chair," Jem said. "If the roles were reversed, and it were me or Grace in that chair, you would not have left. In fact, you may have been more of a danger to Magnus Bane than Grace was."

"I admit I regret kicking him in the face," Grace said. "That may have been slightly too much."

"Fair point," Will conceded. "But still, Tessa could have got herself killed."

"Which is why I was there to protect her," Grace sighed. "I told you this, Will."

"You both seem determined to miss my point," Will said in a grump.

"If your point is that there was a pretty girl in the room that was distracting you, then I think I get your point," Jem said. Will was slightly surprised. This wasn't Jem's usual way of speaking.

"I hadn't really noticed," he said.

"Yes you have, you just won't admit it," Jem said.

"Are you boys quite done?" Grace asked. Jem chuckled.

"Over protective sister over here," he laughed.

"I am not," Grace said, tossing her head.

"Liar," Will sniggered. Soon they were all in fits of giggles. It was times like these that Will forgot about Jem's illness and Grace's curse. Anyone looking in on them now would see three normal people mucking about. They both looked healthy tonight, but he knew all too well that anything could change any minute in the lives they lead.

They rattled through the gates of the Institute. Grace looked out of the window and cursed.

"Really Gracey, such language is not befitting of a lady," Will chided.

"He's here again," she growled. Jem and Will scrambled to see.

"Philip," Jem sighed. "They must have called him for you."

"I don't need him," Grace said.

"Just tell that to the Clave," Will said. He opened the door and leapt out, holding it open for Jem and Grace after him. This was going to be a very long night.

-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

Grace put the heel of her palm against her forehead. She was in the library with Philip after having a quick bath and changed into fresh gear, out of the filthy black dress she had been wearing at de Quincey's. Her thick dark hair was damp and wound up into a bun. Some of it had escaped and was curling at the side of her head.

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