Chapter 10- Boadicea

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Disclaimer: all settings, characters (apart from Philip and Grace) and the main story plot belong to the magnificent Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip, and my own story plot belong to me. I sadly do not own the Infernal Devices.


'If I lose myself tonight
It'll be you and I
Lose myself tonight.'

- If I Lose Myself, OneRepublic


-*-*-*-*- Tessa -*-*-*-*-

"Jem did what?"  Will asked, his voice nearing shrill.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to try and kill me," Philip said a little sheepishly. "He was under a lot of stress." They had sat Philip down in an armchair by the fire while they clustered around him. Tessa felt a little sorry for him; he looked extremely uncomfortable.

"And why didn't you tell us?" Charlotte demanded.

"Because who were you more likely to believe?" Philip pointed out. "The person who betrayed you? Or someone like Jem? I think you'd be more inclined to believe Jem."

"Are you saying he would have lied to us?" Will said angrily.

"Maybe, if he was embarrassed," Philip said with a shrug. "But why have you summoned me?"

"We need to wake Grace up if we're going to save Jem," Tessa said. Philip looked at her.

"Why can't you work out where he went from his note?"

"We don't know where he went," Will said through gritted teeth. "And don't act all superior. It's not like you know either." Tessa shot him a look but he ignored her. She feel the tension rolling off his body in waves as he paced the floor. Tessa knew that he wanted to be out there right now, looking for Jem. He had already tried a tracking rune but for some reason, he couldn't see anything. She could tell Will was scared, but he did a good job at hiding it.

Philip sighed. "I just wish you had listened to me before, but I can see why you didn't," he said. He turned to Tessa. "The way to wake Grace is you, Miss Gray."

"Me?" Tessa asked, shocked. "What can I do?" Philip explained to them that if Tessa Changed into Grace, she would be able to touch her thoughts and help her escape.

"Can you guarantee that Tessa would be safe?" Charlotte asked. "Something like what you are sounds rather risky."

"There is a risk," Philip said. "And not a small one at that. Miss Gray, you would have to fight off not only a demon but also Grace herself. I have trained Grace for years to keep out unwanted visitors from her mind. She might interpret you as an enemy."

"I thought you said you didn't know what you were doing," Will muttered.

"Anyone can train anyone for metal toughness," Philip said, his cheeks reddening.

"Tessa, you can't do this," Charlotte pleaded. "It's too dangerous. If this doesn't work, you could be stuck in Grace's mind forever, facing whatever she is facing." Tessa licked her lips. Grace didn't like her very much, that was apparent. But when Tessa held her hand in the Sanctuary, she felt nothing but sadness and remorse. Deep down, maybe she didn't hate her. Maybe she was just like Will.

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