Chapter 10- The Enclave

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (but Grace and Philip), the main story line and settings belong to the amazing Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip and my own story plot belong to me. The Infernal Devices do not belong to me.


'Face me
Make me listen to the truth,
Even if it breaks me
You can judge me, love me
If you're hating me
do it honestly.'

- Honestly, Kelly Clarkson


-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

"Again," Will said. "How many times do I have to tell you that vampires don't make a sound when they walk?" He was upside down on the chair, his dark locks hanging from his head and his feet propped up on the back. Tessa stood in the middle of the room as Camille, her arms crossed and looking angrily at Will. There was something very scary about an angry Camille.

"Give her a break, Will," Grace sighed, leaning forward and rubbing her tired eyes. After another one of Charlotte's chats last night, she got even less sleep than usual, spending the night drawing in the library. What Camille had said rattled her a bit. Add in the fact that Charlotte told her she could go with Will and Tessa as long as she went with Magnus Bane when the Enclave came along didn't really help. Charlotte didn't want any of them seeing her and reporting it to the Consul but it meant that Grace couldn't fight. But she said she'd try and sort it. Probably hoping the Consul had a soft spot for her.

"Maybe we could all use a break," Jem said. He still hadn't spoken to her since two nights ago when Camille visited. It was starting to make her feel nervous. But her necklace was gold at the moment, signalling that Jem was happy so maybe he wasn't angry at her any more.

"Why don't we order tea and scones while we're at it?" Will said, throwing his arms wide. "Because of course Grace and I aren't putting our lives at risk tonight and we clearly aren't relying on Tessa at all."

"Well actually I would rather like some tea and scones if you are offering to serve them to me," Tessa said. Both Grace and Jem stifled a laugh.

"I'm sure you'll get it eventually, Tessa," Jem said, changing the subject. "Being Camille, I mean, not getting Will to serve you scones. If you managed to do that, I'd eat my hat." 

"Maybe you can only touch the minds of people that are dead?" Will inquired, ignoring Jem. "A morbid thought if I do say so myself."

"I could touch Jessamine's mind just fine," Tessa countered.

"That's not hard," Grace muttered.

"But how clearly can you see the thoughts of the dead?" Jem asked. "For instance, if I gave you something that belonged to my dead father, would you be able to see what he was thinking when he died?"

"Jem!" Grace said, a little shocked that he'd say something like that. "Why would you-?"

"Wait, what's that?" Will asked. They were all silent. Footsteps could be heard from outside the doors as well as Charlotte's voice carrying over all the muttering.

"The Enclave," Jem whispered. "Will, quick, we have to get Grace out of here!" Grace leapt up from the table. The Enclave didn't exactly like her either.

"Never mind Grace," Will said. "We'll all be hung if Charlotte catches us." He pointed to a bookcase and they all dived behind it. Grace was just helping Tessa gather her skirts when the doors were flung open.

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