Chapter 15- Fire

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all settings, characters (apart from Grace and Philip) and the main story line belongs to the amazing Cassie Clare. I only own Grace, Philip and my own original story line. I (sadly) do not own the Infernal Devices.

A/N: picture above is of Jem played by Mitch Hewer. Anyone have any other ideas for who could play Jem? Let me know your thoughts!


'Just like fire, burning out the way
If I can light the world up for just one day
Watch this madness, colorful charade
No one can be just like me any way
Just like magic, I'll be flying free
I'mma disappear when they come for me
I kick that ceiling, what you gonna say?
No one can be just like me any way.'

- Just Like Fire, Pink

-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-
"You get Jem, I'll deal with that thing!" Will shouted before leaping off the gallery and onto the shoulder of the huge automaton. "And hurry!" He yelled at her then proceeded to dodge the automaton's arm as it tried to swipe him off its shoulder.

Grace took a step back and a deep breath before running and jumping off the gallery. She flipped over in the air, landing nimbly on the gangway. The first automaton was on her in an instant, slicing its sword at her head. She ducked and slid on her knees under it, slashing with her daggers. It dropped as its legs fell from underneath it and she finished it off with a stab to its throat, twisting her blade as she yanked it back.

The next metal creature was a bit smarter than its counter part. It stab at Grace, forcing her to parry and spin to the left. She blocked its next strike but it caught her arm with its sword. She cried out as her skin was sliced but ducked under its metal arm and sheared off its head. Oil splattered her gear as it collapsed to her feet.

She turned to face the last one which was holding Jem. "Let him go," Grace snarled.

"Grace Carstairs," it screeched. "The Magister knows your weakness. It will not be long before he takes the demon you keep locked away and destroy all Shadowhunters and everything you hold dear. But he is willing to offer you a bargain. Surrender yourself and he'll let your brother and your friends live."

"Grumph, no," Jem cried, his voice muffled.

"Why does everyone keep thinking I'll take a deal?" Grace asked then threw her dagger. It went straight through the automaton's head and she watched it tumble off the gangway, shattering as it fell to the floor. Grace drew out her steel and frantically drew open runes on Jem's shackles. They burst open and he ripped off his gag, smothering her with a hug.

"You're awake," he whispered. "I knew you could do it." Grace drew away and punched him in the shoulder.

"You are an idiot!" She said. "What the hell were you thinking, going after the Magister on your own? You know what, don't answer that. Just don't expect me to take it easy on you when we get back." She passed Jem a short sword and they both turned to face the huge automaton in the middle of the room.

"And what happened?" she asked. "Will got a letter from Mortmain saying you were ill."

"It wasn't the Magister, it was Nathaniel," Jem said. "He was taunting Will to get him to come here with you and Tessa to impress the Magister." She nodded.

Below, she could see Tessa below them trying to drag Charlotte from the monster's path while Henry was still out cold by a pillar. Nate Gray was screaming at the automaton, stamping his foot when it didn't listen.

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