Chapter 1- The Start Of A Mystery

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, Jem, Will and the main story plot belongs to Cassandra Clare. The rest of the writing, dialogue, Grace and my own story plot belong to me. Basically anything that isn't in the Infernal Devices to put it simply.
'Heart beats fast
Colours and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall.'

- A Thousand Years, Christina Perri

She took a deep breath of the thick London air as she waited for Will and Jem to come round the corner after the demon they were chasing. When Grace first came to England, she remembered feeling like she was choking on the very air as the boat came into the port, let alone when she and her brother made it to London. But Grace was used to it now. She'd even dare to say she liked it because it was normal for a city like London. Normal wasn't easy for her.

The roof tops below the smog were set alight by the orange glow from below. It was late and people were turning in for the night, if not already in bed. Grace didn't envy them though. Night was always the worst time for her. She'd rather be up and about than left to the mercy of the darkness.

A screech made her jolt out of her thoughts. Below, she saw Will bounding off a wall after the demon, slicing it's knife across it's back. She saw the glow of the seraph blade as it cut through the black night. Grace rolled her eyes and smirked as Will missed the demon by two inches, cursing as he did so. God he got so annoyed when he missed something, which wasn't very often so she savoured these moments.

The demon and Will were right beneath Grace now. She turned away, the heels of her boots balancing perilously over the edge. With her hands on her weapons belt, Grace launched herself backwards into the empty air, flipping over elegantly. Whipping out two seraph blades, she plunged down into the dark alley, landing on top of the monster's back and driving the knives into it. It screamed then exploded into demon ichor, splattering her.

"Really Grace?" Will inquired. "That was rather rude, dropping in like that."

"Well then, you have my most sincere apologies, William," she said sarcastically, with a mischievous grin on her face. "But it seemed like you needed a hand."

"I still stabbed it before you did," he said, thrusting his burnt arm in her face and pointing to the acid eaten blade in the puddle. "Look, proof. And William Herondale does not need a 'hand.'"

"But I got the kill blow so I'm afraid that one goes to me," she smirked, choosing to ignore the last comment. "So what's that then? Twenty five to me and twenty three for you this week? I've slipped ahead, William. You better watch out."

"Oh do shut up," he said, glancing up at where she'd just jumped from. "You know, that was dangerous even by my standards."

"Exactly why I did it," Grace said, wiping away the demon ichor from her hands and face on a cloth she had brought along. "It worked, didn't it?" Will sighed then turned around.

"James," he called. "Your sister is being infuriating. And she almost killed herself...again." There was no answer from the street ahead. Will glanced at her and slipped his hand to the knife on his belt. She pulled out two more daggers slowly, glancing momentarily at the crystal pendant around her neck. It gave no flicker of life apart from a faint blue glow.

"He's sad," Will whispered to her, looking at the crystal. "Why would he be sad?"

"Jem?" Grace asked. "Jem, are you there?" Will and Grace slowly advanced into the street and the light. Jem was nowhere in sight. She tried to push down the panic that was rising in her stomach. What if he became ill suddenly and fell behind without Will or her noticing? Stupid, she thought. You should have never of climbed that building.

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