Chapter 13- Green

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (but Grace and Philip), the main story line and settings belong to the amazing Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip and my own story plot belong to me. The Infernal Devices do not belong to me.


'I heard the doctors put your chest in pain
But then that could have been the medicine
And now you're lying in the bed again
Either way I'll cry with the rest of them.'

- Afire Love, Ed Sheeran


-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

"You know," Grace said, jumping down the step and sitting next to Tessa. "There's not many people who can say that to Will and leave him absolutely flabbergast. I would know, because I'd never let him forget it."

"Grace," Jem said, easing down as well. "That's probably not helping."

"No, it's fine, Jem," Tessa sighed. "I shouldn't have shouted like that. You probably think I'm really immature."

"On the contrary," Jem said. "We Shadowhunters sometimes deserve to be shouted at. Everything is always about how it effects Shadowhunters; we often forget to think about how it effects others."

"Often?" Grace asked.

"All the time," Jem admitted.

"The point is, Tessa," Grace said. "Will is very good at his job which makes him a very good Shadowhunter-"

"Which also makes him a pain in the backside," Jem concluded. Tessa and Grace both laughed.

"How do you put up with him?" she asked.

"He goes to Blackfriars Bridge," Grace said. "Not that it's the prettiest place in the world but...I can see why he goes there."

"What do you do?" Tessa said.

"I stand there and look at the water," Jem said. "The way it moves on no matter what happens in our petty lives. So, whatever Will has done to make me angry, it means nothing in the grand scheme of things. He's still my parabatai and my brother."

"Does that work?" Tessa asked.

"No," Jem grinned, looking over at Grace.

"But what does work is thinking about how we can kill him as he sleeps," Grace said. "I vote for suffocation to stop his mouth."

"I think I may go there someday," Tessa said. "I mean...if you'd let me." Jem smiled and tapped his cane thoughtfully.

"Come with me," he said, standing up and holding out his hand. "I'll show you now." Grace's necklace was hidden slightly by her gear but she could see the pink glow emanating from it. She smiled to herself.

"You go ahead," she said, winking at Jem. He gave her a confused smile.

"Umm...all right," he said as he hugged her. "Try and get some rest." Grace smiled.

"I'll try," she said. Grace watched them from the steps of the Institute as Jem guided Tessa through the gates. They rounded the corner and were gone into the night. She trotted back up the steps and closed the door behind her.


"Hey...Grace," Will said, opening the door to her room. He stood awkwardly in the doorway. Grace sat in her bed, leaning up against the pillows, her sketch book in her hand.

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