Chapter 9- Flashback

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (but Grace and Philip), the main story line and settings belong to the amazing Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip and my own story plot belong to me. The Infernal Devices do not belong to me.


'Stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're getting me, getting me, through the night
'Cause you're my flashlight.'

- Flashlight, Jessie J


-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

"If I'm going to tell you this, I need you to stay calm and just don't hate me," Grace said as they walked down the corridor. Tessa looked at her with those big grey eyes.

"Why would I hate you?" she asked.

"I don't know," Grace said, taking a moment to lean on the wall and catch her breath. She was still feeling a little weak. "You might be scared of me when I tell you."

"Grace!" someone called from behind them. Both girls turned to see Jem and Will hurrying up the corridor. "Grace," Will said again. "We can't let you do this on your own."

"I'm fine," Grace said.

"But you're not," Jem said. He turned to Tessa. "Please, you have to understand that none of this is Grace's fault. Please don't blame her."

"Why would I blame her?" Tessa asked. "Why do you keep saying that?"

"Because when you hear this, you may blame her," Jem said. "It's not the first time it's happened."

"Please, just explain to me," Tessa said. Grace took a deep breath and glanced at the boys. Will was violently shaking his head at her, an obvious signal that he didn't want to tell Tessa. Jem, on the other hand, nodded. If Jem trusted Tessa, then so would Grace.

"Our parents were killed by a demon called Yanluo but that Greater Demon did something to me-" Grace started before Charlotte came running up the corridor.

"Tessa, there is someone here to see you," she said. She looked at all of them in turn. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No!" Will quickly jumped in. "No, nothing at all." Tessa glared at him but Grace was silently relieved. Before Tessa could say anything, Charlotte was already carrying on.

"Lady Belcourt is well informed on de Quincy, Tessa," Charlotte said. "She could be rather helpful in our investigation."

"Who is Lady Belcourt?" Tessa asked, turning to Jem. Grace smiled to herself. Smart girl for looking to the only person who would give her an answer.

"She's a vampire," Jem replied, somewhat hesitantly. "She often gives Charlotte information on the Night community."

"So she is a Downworlder," Tessa said. Jem nodded.

"You don't have to see her if you don't want to, Tessa," Charlotte assured her. "I can send her away."

"No, I think I would like to meet another Downworlder," Tessa said. "And besides, she might know something of my brother." Grace admired that Tessa was so set on finding her brother. It actually reminded her of herself.

"Very well," Charlotte said. "We must go to the Sanctuary. Jem and Will may come with us if it will make you more comfortable, Tessa." Charlotte stopped and looked at Grace. "Grace...I don't really have to tell you, do I?" Grace nodded and took a step back.

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