Chapter 4- The Ring

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Disclaimer: all settings, characters (apart from Philip and Grace) and the main story plot belong to the magnificent Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip, and my own story plot belong to me. I sadly do not own the Infernal Devices.

A/N: I think these lyrics kind of sum up Grace and Jem in a way. What do you think?

And this chapter is dedicated to the amazing TheRealSilvershadow for always making me laugh with your consistently supportive and hilarious comments! Thank you so so so much!


'I'll understand you
Just give me the chance to
Love you more than you'll ever know
Even if it means I gotta let you go
With or without me,
Baby you should be happy
If you're headed down another road
Don't you leave me with nowhere to go
Don't let me be the last to know, yeah
Don't let me be the last to know.'

- Last To Know, The Wanted


-*-*-*-*- Jem -*-*-*-*-

After Grace ran out, Jem collapsed into the armchair, his face in his hands. "Oh God," he whispered. "Oh God, oh God, oh God. What have I done?" Will was watching him then examined the scorch marks on the wall.

"Did you know she could do that?" he asked Jem. "Because I didn't."

"She told me she was worried that she was becoming Yanluo," Jem said quietly. "I didn't believe her. I was sure it was just Yanluo's final burst of energy after Grace woke up. But I didn't want to believe that she could be in danger again, not after last time. God, she needed my help and I ignored her..."

"You didn't ignore her," Will said. He picked up Jem's box of yin fen and looked inside it again, as if to check he wasn't imagining the lack of the drug inside it.

"I need to go after her," Jem said, standing up and going towards the door. "I need to go after her and-" Jem doubled up and started coughing into his hand, his skin splattered with scarlet. He felt Will's hand on his shoulder, guiding him back to his bed.

"You aren't going anywhere," Will told him firmly. "You are going to stay here and get some rest."

"Where are you going?"

"Grace has obviously gone to find some more yin fen," Will said. "I'm going to look too, and find her if I can."

"Will, are you angry at me?" Jem asked. He realised that it was a silly question to ask, but he couldn't think of any other way to ask it. Will hesitated by the door.

"I was," he said. "But now I'm not. I understand why you did it. I will go to Whitechapel and by all the yin fen I can, everything you need. As you said, your life is yours to live how you choose."

"Thank you, Will," Jem whispered. Will have him a small smile before leaving the room and closing it behind him.

-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

Grace ran. She just ran and ran and ran, ignoring the rain that stung her eyes. Her head was repeating the conversation she had with Jem, the yelling, the shouting, all of it. She had never had an argument that big with Jem, at least not one they hadn't resolved straight away with laughter at how ridiculous they were being.

But this was different. Jem was risking all the time he had left and Grace just couldn't accept that these were his final few weeks with her. She had always known that Jem was going to die before her and she thought she was prepared.

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