Chapter 9- Broken Deals and Broken Hearts

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (apart from Grace), main story line and the settings belong to Cassandra Clare. The rest of the writing, Grace and my story plot belong to me. I (unfortunately) do not own The Infernal Devices.

A/N: Who can recite the parabatai oath of by heart??? ;););)

'Whoa it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay.'

- Broken Strings, James Morrison

-*-*-*-*- Will -*-*-*-*-

Will was about to head up to bed when the summoning bell rang. He knew that Charlotte and Henry were busy looking through Benedict's journals, and Jem and Cecily were currently trying to save Church who had somehow got himself stuck on top of the rafters in the training room. Will had voted to leave the arrogant thing up there but Jem, being the animal lover he was, couldn't bear to abandon him.

Running down the stairs, Will only paused to grab a short sword before opening the door. What he saw was the last thing he had expected.

Philip Blackthorn stood on the steps of the Institute dressed in a long, black coat and a hat pulled down over his face. For a moment, Will stood absolutely dumbfounded. He knew that Philip's punishment was to have his Marks removed. He also knew that Grace had been visiting him in the apartment she and Jem had brought him, not that he agreed with that decision.

"I need your help," Philip said. He looked panicked and worried, glancing over his shoulder as if someone was following him. His hair was damp with sweat and his face red, as if he had been running. Will regained his relaxed composure and slouched casually, leaning on the door frame of the door.

"You know I can't help you," Will said. "The law states that I can't help an exiled Shadowhunter. And if you haven't noticed, you're exiled."

"Don't lecture me about the law, Herondale!" Philip snapped. Will straightened from his slouched position, holding the sword to Philip's chest.

"Watch it, Blackthorn," he growled. "You've come to me, remember?" Philip let out a hiss of frustration.

"We don't have time for this," he said. "You need to get your parabatai and come with me right now."

"Why should I listen to you?" Will asked.

"Because Grace's life depends on it!" Philip yelled. Will blinked, taking in the information.

"What do you mean?" he demanded, taking a step forward and digging the sword further into Philip's chest. "What's happened to Grace? What did you do?"

"She's been going to a Downworld fight club," Philip explained hurriedly. "The vampire who owns it is the last person in London who supplies yin fen, and Grace is fighting Downworlders for entertainment in order to get it. I found her a few days ago and she promised me she'd stop going but she lied to me. I need your help to stop her." Will dropped the sword, clattering to the ground, and grabbed the front of Philip's shirt, shaking him hard.

"You've known about this for days and you didn't tell us?" Will shouted. "You know better than anyone that she can't make contact with Downworlders! And now you're telling me she's fighting them for yin fen? Downworlders hate us!"

"She didn't want me to tell you!" Philip cried. "I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me!" Will growled and shoved Philip away, stalking into the Institute and buckling a weapons belt around his waist. He slid daggers and seraph blades into the belt and rushed outside again, swooping up the sword and strapping it to his back.

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