Epilogue III (Clockwork Princess)

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Disclaimer: SOME of the dialogue in this chapter, all characters (but Grace and Philip), the main story line and settings belong to the magnificent Cassie Clare. Grace, Philip and my own story plot belong to me. The Infernal Devices do not belong to me.

A/N: Yeah so again this will be a very long chapter so I hope you enjoy! Final chapter...:(:(:(

Warning: There are spoilers for TMI and TDA is this so don't read if you don't want it to be spoiled.


'Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, oh, oh, oh.
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind.'

- Everything Has Changed, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran

New York Institute, 2012

-*-*-*-*- Jem -*-*-*-*-
Jem stood on the steps of the Institute, staring up at the building. He had been here before, but as the Silent Brother Zachariah and not as the Shadowhunter James Carstairs.

It was strange that he was coming to this place after searching for 134 years. But he now knew that the best way to find her would be the people who were now waiting for him inside. After all, he was the one who called them here.

"Jem?" Tessa called from the door. "Are you okay?" Jem gave her a smile, jolting from his thoughts. It had been three years since he had met Tessa on Blackfriars Bridge the day she found out he was human again. At first it was awkward, but it didn't remain that way. People asked them when they were going to marry, but Jem wanted to wait. Being a Silent Brother meant that he couldn't feel anything and back when he first transformed back to human, all the emotions came crashing down on him. Losing Grace, then Will, then Jamie and Lucy. He had to come to terms with his grief first.

"Yes, I am fine," he said. He climbed the steps and joined her at the door, walking through the corridors to the library. Inside were the group of Shadowhunters that Jem had called to be there. Isabelle and Alec Lightwood sat in two chairs at the head of the table, just talking quietly. Emma Carstairs and her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, were sitting on the table itself, polishing Cortana. Finally, Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild were leaning on a bookcase further away, whispering to each other.

Even from across the room, Jem could see the crystal necklace sparkling at Jace's throat.

"Thank you all for coming," Jem said, standing at the other end of the table. "I know it was short notice."

"Of course we came," Emma said, smiling at him. "What is it you need, Uncle Jem?" Jem resisted the urge to laugh at being called 'uncle' again.

"Well, as you know, I was born quite a while ago," he said. "But I also had a twin sister. I-I need your help to find her." He explained the entire story of Grace Carstairs from the Shanghai Institute, to the caverns at Cadair Idris, to her departure from the London Institute. He told them about her time with Jamie Herondale, trying to help him control the power's he got from Tessa's demonic side. He told them about the last time he had seen her at Will's deathbed...

-*-*-*-*- Brother Zachariah -*-*-*-*-

Brother Zachariah hesitated in front of the door, his hand outstretched to open the door but frozen. He knew he had to go in at some point, but what lay behind that door was too painful to even think about it.

And yet he knew the day had come.

He looked up suddenly at the sound of soft footsteps to his right, then took in a sharp breath. Grace stood in front of him, watching him with her soft brown eyes.

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