Chapter 11- Alone

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Disclaimer: all settings, characters (apart from Philip and Grace) and the main story plot belong to the magnificent Cassandra Clare. Grace, Philip, and my own story plot belong to me. I sadly do not own the Infernal Devices.


'Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through.'

– Keep Holding On, Avril Lavigne


-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

"What the hell are you doing here?" Grace asked Tessa. "More importantly, how the hell did you get inside my head?" Tessa stood rigidly, watching Grace with cautious eyes.

"I Changed into you," she replied. "I fought through Yanluo to get to you. Philip came back, Grace, and he's really sorry for what he did. So sorry that he gave himself up to the Silent Brothers so we could get you out of the City."

"Philip came back? I was in the Silent City?" Grace said, surprised. "Why wasn't I at the Institute?"

"Consul Wayland decreed that you were too dangerous," Tessa said, gathering her skirts and sitting down on the floor opposite. "Brother Enoch was looking after you." Grace shook her head.

"Have you all gone completely insane?" she exclaimed. "Didn't you know that you could die here? You might not ever wake up, just like me, and then you're stuck here forever."

"I took the risk," Tessa said. "Grace, you have to wake up. Jem-"

"Don't you think I've been trying?" Grace snapped. "This isn't like waking yourself up from a nightmare, Tessa! This is the ultimate mind game. Yanluo almost has full control. He can do what he likes, how he wants and whenever he wants to do it. He can manipulate our surroundings, send you to the ends of the Earth and make you endure your worst fears. God Tessa, this is not a game!"

"I know it isn't!" Tessa said coldly. "I came here to help you so the least you could do is show a little gratitude." Grace shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You're right, I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm sorry for threatening to kill you, but I had to make sure you weren't another trick. I can trust nothing here. You have no idea what I've had to face."

"What have you had to face?" Tessa asked quietly. "What is happening to you, Grace?" Grace shook her head. She couldn't tell Tessa. She wasn't ready to yet.

"It doesn't matter,"  Grace said. Suddenly, there was a roar from out in the corridor. Tessa looked petrified but she swallowed hard and set her jaw. Grace stood, drawing a knife.

"Come on," she said. "We can't stay here; we've been here too long. It'll come back soon." As Tessa stood, Grace caught a glimpse of her angel necklace sparkling in the witchlight.

The angel's ward, she thought. Of course. It made sense.

"Stay close to me," Grace said to her, focussing on the present. "And if you see anything out of the ordinary, anything that doesn't fit into the surroundings, don't  believe it. Whatever you do, don't fall the its tricks."

Grace pushed open the door and ushered Tessa out into the corridor, following after.

-*-*-*-*- Will -*-*-*-*-

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