Chapter 27: In the End...

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This is more of an epalogue then a chapter... but its 704 words.

It's filled with: Sad moments, and a cliff hanger that makes you thing.

You do not have to read this but i segest you do....


Chapter 27: In the End…

            If he had not said my real name then or if Kiba had not heard him I would not be here right now. Bound in any way possible to a chair and blind folded I sat, under high security, as far underground as they could get me. Every now and then I can hear someone outside. I do not know how long I have been down here but I want out. I could just bust my way out but I do not want to be killed. Yes, I know that sounds stupid and you’re thinking, if you are a real demon you can’t be killed. But I have not been alive long enough to reach immortality (remember the chainsaw?). So I will just sit here until time ends…


            The Third Hokage is dead, Orochimaru destroyed the village, and I have fought Itachi but we still have not been able to find Raven. I have tried to get Kiba to look for any trace of her scent but he freaks out when he hears her name. My grip on the hospital sheets tightened as a tear slid down my cheek. She was my world If you could not tell.

            “Raven?” I said as I sat down on the dock next to her. She looked at me with her sweet crimson eyes. “I can’t be without you. So… will you be mine?” She pressed her lips against mine. When she pulled away she had a smile on her face. A single tear slid down her cheek.

            “Until time ends.”

            We are not getting married but if I had I am sure she would have said yes. She promised to stay till time ended but now she’s gone without a trace. I would even give up on Itachi to get her back…


            Once I found out Raven was gone, it was like both my father and Obito had died again. It was like my own daughter was taken away. I slumped into the couch more. With everything going on I did not get to spend any time with her.

              “Hey, Raven!” I called. The red-raven haired girl turned to look at me with the eyes I was all too familiar with. “Sasuke and I are training today and I was hoping you would join us.” She gave me the smile that made my heart skip a beat.

            “Sorry, Kakashi, but I have family in town and I need to be with them today. Some other time, ok?”

            She had actually looked sad when she said that. I know for sure that I was. I felt like crying. Also, I don’t love her anymore then I would a daughter… Maybe…

Sakura and Ino

            We are both happy and sad she is gone. Now that she is gone, Sasuke is available but he looks sad. We probably should have listened to her…    


            I haven’t slept in days. I can’t go outside at night or look out the window. I know she is after me. Plus she’s out for blood… my blood. Did I mention that I haven’t eaten either? She’s probably poisoned all the food in the village…

            The Onbu pulled Raven from her house. When her eyes met mine she looked mad.

            “How could you do this to me?” I pretended to not hear her. So, she yelled it again so everyone could hear. I could not meet her eyes. I just left.


            Something is about to happen. I can feel it in my bones. It will be so bitter sweet. As if to answer my thoughts the door creaked open. I did not dear to move for fear of it being a guard or a loved one. The footstep pattern suggested that there were more than one person present. They took care in undoing every chain, cuff and latch. They took everything off of me except for the blindfold, the shorts I wear under my pants and the corset under my shirt. My blood instantly chilled, meaning it was winter. I was wrapped in a comforter-like blanket and thrown over someone’s shoulder.

            Maybe they will kill me now…

            Or maybe… it’s the start of… my new life…



Before I get any hate mail, I want you to know that THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL AND IT WILL EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED.

To Sequal:

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