Chapter 13: Raven's Hero

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hey!! Im sorry if this is short. I wrote all of this today!!

P.S. Hey MissMalfoy!!! Hey guess wat? ...... I CLEANED MY ROOM!! I reall need to stop telling you stuff buy typing it before my story.... Haha


My eyes were wide. Damn it! I'm a retard! That's Zabuza! The Zabuza. 'Snap out of it! I have a chicken to protect.' I thought as Kakashi pushed a kuni into Zabuza's stomach.

"Master!! Behind you!!" Naruto yelled. The real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi as the first turned to water. He swung his sword and cut straight through Kakashi. Or so we thought. As the blade got through to the other side of Kakashi, he turned to water. 'Damn. My hero better step up his game and kill the minimum of people.' I thought as Kakashi said, "Don't move... Game over." A laugh echoed from under Zabuza's mask

"Heh... You think it's over? You just don't get it. I don't die that easy." Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi with a kuni to his neck. "And I'm not that easy to fool!" Once again, the Zabuza infront of Kakashi turned to water. Zabuza swung and Kakashi again but he ducked. His sword tip hit the ground as Zabuza 'kicked' our sensei into the water. Caltrops stopped him from following.

Kakashi surfaced and held his arm up. "Hah! Gullible fool!" Zabuza trapped Kakashi in a water prison and there was no way out. Another, yes another, water Zabuza appeared on the lake edge. He vanished and reappeared close enough to kick Naruto. "Some hero..." I said so everyone could hear. I got some weird looks but I ignored them. Naruto's headband was under the clones foot. Naruto charged him and came back with his headband. I started to shake. "Raven!! This is no ti-"

"NO!" my voice was loud and stronge. "What kind of hero are you?!" Know one knew who I was talking about. I growled and shook my head. "You were my hero, Zabuza!" that shocked everyone. "I idolized your killing style! Your style and everything! You can fight my sensei till your both wore out but he you start beating up my friends we got a problem! Now... lets fix that." I charged the clone and, for the second time in my life, I stared death in the face and never looked back. If I die, I'm glade it's by the hand of my once-hero.

Sasuke's POV

Raven charged the water-clone. Did that girl have a death wish? Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi's pleas for her to stop didn't faze her. I bit my lip. 'was this my fault? Is she going to kill herself because I went off on her?' Every step she took made me fear my love was closer to dying and I was hating it.

"You were right to idolize my killing style for when I was you age I had already stained my hands in the blood of my enemies." Raven was going at it with the clone and Zabuza was distracted by watching. Now was the best time to strike. Naruto and soon came up with a fool proof plan. Thanks Raven...

I threw the windmill shuriken just as Raven destroyed the clone. It soared by her and straight at her 'hero'. He caught it then jumped over the second. I smirked as Naruto poofed back and attacked Zabuza. He was forced to release Kakashi to avoid the attack. Zabuza went to hit Naruto with the shuriken but Kakashi stopped it.

They broke apart and started making hand signs. Two dragons appeared and canceled each other out. Kakashi continued copying him. The shoreline rushed up to us an threw Zabuze up agents a tree. Kakashi moved in for the kill.

"I foresee your death!" he said. Two needles went through Zabuza's neck.

"Heh heh... Your prediction came true." we looked up into the tree. A masked man stood there. Kakashi went to check and see if Zabuza was really dead and Raven splashed her way out of the water. "Thank you for your help." he bowed slightly. "I hope you don't mind my interfering, but I wanted the satisfaction of putting Zabuza out of his misery myself!" He sounded so sweet!

"Correct me if I'm wrong... But aren't you a shinobi hunter from the village hidden in the mist?"

"well, aren't you the smart one?!"

"A shinobi hunter?" Naruto questioned. Then out mystery man explains everything. There was a pause. "What's going on here?!! Who are you?!!"

"Relax, Naruto, he's not an enemy." Raven said gently.

"Your battle is over for now and the remains must be disposed of... Lest they give up secrets to out foes. Well then I must be off."

Raven's POV

I sat in the water and watched the boy vanish. Now I know your asking why I'm sitting in the water? That's simple. I started to walk out of the water and my right ankle failed. Haha I thought is was funny cause no one else noticed when I face-planted and made this huge splash.

"Raven! Are you coming?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah, but uh you know.. My ankle failed." Sakura ran over and helped me up. Kakashi fell over. After that we walked and walked and, you guessed it! had a snack.

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