Chapter 15: New Eyes

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Raven’s POV

     ‘I hate that ass hole!’ I huffed and Naruto glanced at me. Last time I checked, Sasuke was being emo and walking behind us. Tazuna’s house slowly came into view. "Finally." I said as we ran the rest of the way. We were a few feet from the house when Sasuke pushed past me, pushing me face first into the dirt. With a growl I ran into the house to find everyone at the table. A smirk played on Sasuke’s face.

     "Did you have a nice fall?" He asked as if he really cared.

     "Why you son of a bitch!"

     "Raven!" Kakashi yelled.

     "Sasuke it’s time you fucking grow up, cause, right now, Naruto’s more mature then you! I have no idea who got you panties in a twist,"-That burning sensation returned to my eyes but I didn’t stop.-"But you don’t have to be an asshole to me! I didn’t do anything to you!"

Sasuke’s POV

     As she uttered that last sentence, blood started to fall from her eyes and her hands went up to cover them. She growled in pain and rushed out the front door. "Raven!" Kakashi yelled as he scrambled to my feet. I just sat there wonder what the hell happened.

     "Nice jackass!" Naruto said to me, "You, somehow managed to make Raven’s eyes bleed!"

     "That wasn’t my fault!" I stood up.

     "You where the one she was yelling at there for it’s your fault!"

     "Naruto! Don’t talk to Sasu-" Sakura started but I cut her off.

     "Here if it’ll make you happy I’ll go find her." I snarled as I walked passed Naruto and out the door. I heard Sakura mumble my name but I didn’t turn. I was to mad at Naruto and Raven to do anything but walk around the woods. In the silence you could hear Kakashi still calling Raven but it sounded like he was getting nowhere. Slowly, I made my way to where we had practiced tree climbing and sat under a tree.

     "What the hell was her problem?" I mumbled before I fell asleep.

     "GET UP!" someone yelled in my ear causing me to jump. It was Naruto. He snarled, grabbed my shirt, and dragged me back to the house. When we got there Kakashi was asleep and Sakura was just sitting there. What really surprised me was that she didn’t do anything when I was dragged in.

     "Nani?" I said looking at Sakura. She still didn’t move. Naruto threw me on the floor, still clearly pissed off.

     "This is all your fault!" He yelled as he stood over me.


     "Kakashi-sensei couldn’t find Raven last night." That is a problem.

     "And I should care why?" He picked me up and slammed me against the wall.

     "Because she’s your teammate! Where supposed to help them not run them off!" Naruto’s yelling woke Kakashi up. He stood and walked, well hobbled, over to us. The door opened but noone looked. Tazuna’s daughter came into the kitchen and looked like she was going to yell at us when a small, but strong, voice rang out.

     "Just shut up!" We all looked at where the voice came from. It was Sakura. She was shaking lightly as she stared at the table. She shook her head and started to say something when her voice failed. A light sob shook her body but no tears fell. "Raven’s strong. She could handle herself and she knows where we are so it ok... It’s all ok...." She sounded like she was comforting herself more then Naruto. Naruto let go of my shirt and let me slide down to the floor.

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