Chapter 8: Pain

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I sat on my bed, Raven’s scream still ringing in my head. It was my fault she got hurt. If only I had stayed with her. I fell back onto my soft king-size bed. I closed my eyes and, somehow, fell asleep.

Raven’s POV

Pain. That’s all I felt. All from my left shoulder down to my right thigh. I tried piecing together what happened but it wasn’t working. I gently shook my head. Then someone said my name. I forced my eyes open and looked and the person. It was Kakashi. Relief washed over his face.

I smiled only to grown in pain. He rushed over and the pain kept getting worse. Kakashi held me down on the bed. The pain only got worse. More people ran into the room and Kakashi, to my disapproval, backed away. I sat my head up enough to see where I was hurting. The bandages had a red line down them and it was getting worse.

I cringed in pain again and was held down again. Again, my vision began to blur. On of the doctors had put an oxygen mask over my mouth. Once again I slipped into the embrace of my one true friend; Darkness.

Kakashi’s POV

I stood there, helpless, as the doctors tried to stop the bleeding. A minute passed and she became unconscious. I couldn’t stand to see her like that anymore, so I left. I walked down the street and was shocked to see where my feet had taken me. I was in front of Sasuke’s house. The poor boy had been devastated when he was told she might die. With a sigh Kakashi turned and went home.

Sasuke’s POV

It was dark but the moon was bright enough to light up where they were. Sasuke stood at the edge looking at the crowd of people. They were in a grave yard standing around a grave. Each one placed a flower on the grave, said a few words, and walked away. Each one passed Sasuke one there way out and each one gave him a sorry look. A few gave him a hug and some said they were sorry for his lose.

After everyone was gone he walked up to the grave. There was a cascade of electric blue and black roses around a beautiful grave. Sasuke finely worked up enough courage to look at the name. It read:

"Raven Phantomhive

1995 - 2009

killed by a chainsaw that fell from the 49th floor

of the haunted house. She fought to survive until

her last breath. Her last words were ‘Tell Sasuke to move on

and don’t live off of revenge.’

Raven will be missed by everyone."

Sasuke’s heart sank. She died. She’s gone. A figure appeared over the grave and said his name. He looked up into the persons eyes to see two red eyes staring at him. The person smiled and sasuke gasped. It wasn’t anyone, it was Raven.

Sasuke bolted up-right. He looked around. He was still in his room. ‘It was all a dream.’ he kept telling himself, ‘Only a dream. Raven is strong. She can make it trough anything. I think’

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