Chapter 24: Chunin Exams (Part 4)

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Hey guys! I think chapter is over do... But hey! I'm gettin there! I had some major boy trouble with my boyfriend so I decided I needed to write this chapter. Ok so later on, I am going to re-write the whole story so it all flows together, but for now, just pretend it all fits together and makes sense. (and i do not have spell check right know so when you find a miss-spelled word, tell me. I can not spell)


     I took my time walking through the woods. A bird took flight a few feet away, and some beetles scuttled across the log in front of me.  A twig snapped behind me. Jumping straight up, I landed in the tree above me. a group of people walked under me. It was Kabuto and, what I think is his team mates. He looked around, making sure there was no one around.

     He pushed his glasses up. "You two know the mission. Avoid Uchia Sasuke and any and all of his team mates. Let no one know who you work for. Got it?" They saluted him and disappeared. Use it to protect your friends, and slay people you don't like. I moved so the branch would bend and put me in the light. He must have sensed me because he spun around really fast. I could hear his heart beat pick up.

     I grinned and let out a small laugh. "Aww. I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He took a step back... then took several forward. To my dismay he had a sly grin on his face. My smile fell.

     "Where's your boyfriend? Oh wait... he found out didn't he? It's a shame... you worked so hard to keep it all a secret..." I glared at him.

     "They know nothing." I pulled out Bloody Rose, the silver gun Neils gave me. "And I can make sure it stays that way." He laughed.

     "Leave it to a demon to bring a gun to a knife fight... but I would think about thisbefore you pull the triger. I am the only one that can make sure they get through the forest alive." He gave me the your-turn-look.

     "Bartering for your life? Such a mortal thing to do." I snarled. He started walking away.

     "Nice talking to you, Madam Dark." He let out an evil laugh. Lets just move his name to the top of my to-kill list. Wait... the only one? I cused myself and ran to find Sasuke. 

     I was about fifty feet from the tree that my ex-team had made camp in. My nerves started to kick in. I could only see one person moving and it wasn't Sasuke. I circled around to the front of the tree, staying fifty feet away, so I could see inside the tree better. Sakura was sitting between Sasuke and naruto, who where both unconscious. Naruto looks like he just passed out, but Sasuke's breath was deep and ragged, like he was in severe pain. I swallowed hard and looked away.

     Kabuto knew this was happening yet he did not tell me. A silent tear slid down my cheek. I turned and went back to where my team mates were. The same bird from before, sreached above us. I looked up. 'I can't even be with him. I'll out like him anyway so I need to let him go. He... doesn't even love me anyway.' With that, we went into the building. 

     As soon as we got inside, the lights went out. "Clawd, Raven, Zurui." It was Sensei Kyofu. "You guys... are no longer alowed... to compet in the chunin exams..." We all gasped.

     "What!? No! Where are you? Turn the lights back on so I can kick your ass!" I yelled.

     "If you insist..." The lights came on and we where surronded by ONBU Black Ops. "So you can except the fact that you are being removed from the exams... or we can use force." I was strong and could probly take them all on... but right now, they could probly over take all three of us.

     "Why?" Zurui asked. i could feel his anger boiling. Kyofu stepped into the light so we could see him. He was followed by the third Hokage.

     "For being demons. The fact that you could kill any and all of them in a matter of seconds. The fact that Raven has a small fuse and can and more then likel will kill who or what pisses her off. Which answer do you like the most? Now walk or be sedated." Clawd and Zurui went down the hall. "Go Raven."

     "What? No! You don't scare me. We both know, that you can't sedate a demon!" I crossed my arms. He raised his eyebrow. After that everything got fuzzy. "Hu... Maybe you can..." Everything went black as I fell forward. 


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