Chapter 12: Not a C-Rank Mission!

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This is the fastestest I've eva uploaded!!! Sorry sasuke fans but I have to do it! It builds more tension for later! Teehee I'm sneaky.

"How do you suppose we get the black pearl out of the bottle?" said MissMalfoy

"We'll need some wiskey, two goats, a trumpet player, and some one to go *wiggled finger infront of face*" I said calmly.

"I know a man with goats!" MissMalfoy said to me with a serious look.

"and I'll go like this! "I wiggled my fingers infront of my face.

Haha good times :) alex we should go see green lantern some time!


Chapter 12: Not a C-Rank Mission!

I stood outside the gate with Kakashi and Tazuna waiting for the others. I plopped down onto the ground and pulled out my book. "Damn. How many pages are in that book?" Kakashi said shocked.

"1020 not counting the index." He gave me a surprised look. "It's the Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe." Be shook his head and we got into a heated discussion about who's book was better; mine or his.

After a while Sasuke arrived. "Hey Sasuke!" he completely ignored me. A puzzled look found it's way onto my face. 'He ignored me?' I thought. I normally didn't care but Sasuke took me to the festival. What the hell is going on?! Something happened and i get this feeling it's my fault.

Sakura and Naruto finally arrived, thank god. We finally started our journey to the Land of Waves.

The slight wind ruffled my hair and the trees. I looked over to watch the wind make them bow when I saw the strangest thing. A raven sat on a tree branch above a puddle. A hushed laugh escaped my lips. 'Haha! Pretty raven.' I thought. Wait... A puddle? During a dry season? Hmmm... I shook my head. Retards.

Chains shot out of no where and rapped around Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei!!" Sakura yelled as the chains tightened and split Kakashi in half. I gritted my teeth.

"One little piggy." The man said.

"Two little piggies!" the other said as he ran to Naruto. Sasuke moved but he wasn't fast enough thank go I was there. I bolted in front of them taking a slight cut on my wrist.

"Come on!" I yelled. I'm really tired of being cut... The battle raged and Sasuke ended up hooking there chain to a tree, Naruto had a deep-ish cut in his hand, and Kakashi-sensei was ok. Shocker hu? I drained my cut of the poison and rapped it. "Naruto! Stop moving! There claws have poison in them. We need to open the wound a little and let the blood wash out the poison." Naruto instantly stopped as Kakashi's words set in. Sakura went on about how we need to go back and Naruto dug his kuni into his hand.

Naruto said a really long speech and Kakashi said, "That's great Naruto! But now you can bleed to death!" he stopped and Kakashi wrapped his hand. Sasuke walked up to me.

"Next time, stay out of my way! I can do this on my own and I don't need your help!" he snarled at me.

"What the hell Sasuke!" I yelled, drawing everyones attention to us. "What the hell is your problem! All I did was save your ass!"

"Who said I wanted your help? Your nothing more than a bitch." he whispered so only I herd what he said. I snarled and turned away. 'One day Sasuke, your going to regret this. Oh yes! And what a glorious day it shall be as you beg for forgiveness!' I thought and an evil grin appeared on my face.

"Whoa! It's huuuuge!!" Naruto yelled.

"Hey! Keep it down! This mist'll keep us hidden. But from this point on, we have to turn off our engines and row. We'd be in big trouble if Gato caught us." the boat man said in hushed whispers. Naruto put his hands over his mouth.

We went through a tunnel and were dropped off in the mangroves. "It's so pretty." I said as we all got off the boat.

"Stupid girl." Sasuke said pound enough for me to hear. My anger flared up and I gritted my teeth. A slight pain in my eyes brought me back to reality. I stopped what I was doing and the pain stopped. Puzzled I kept walking forward. We walked drought the woods and Naruto kept throwing his weapons at random stuff.

"Over there!" Naruto yelled as he threw a shuriken into a bush.

"Please... Please don't play around with your shuriken. They can be just a teensy bit dangerous!" Kakashi said as he shook from his nerves.

"Hey! Midget!! Don't go scaring us! Stop messing with out heads!" way to be suttle. There was a slight rustling noise in the bushes.

"This time! Over there!" He threw another shuriken into another poor bush. Kakashi went into the bush. Out of the Connor of my eye I saw a snow hare. "Poor bunny!" Naruto said as he cuddled the hare.

"Everyone take cover!!" Kakashi yelled as something sailed over are heads. It stuck in a tree and some-man was standing on the handle. Naruto rushed forward but Kakashi held him back. "This may be a little rough." he said putting his hand on his head band. 'Eh?' Was what I thought about saying but what really came out was know where near it. "What da hell?"

"Kakashi of the sharingan eye, I presume? If it wouldn't be too much trouble..." he paused. "Could you surrender the old man?" If looks could kill, Zabuza would be screwed. Naruto shivered as Kakashi moved his headband. "Ahh... To face the legendary mirror-wheel eye so early in are acquaintance. This really is an honor."

"You keep calling it a mirror eye, a sharingan eye. What the heck is it?" Sasuke the took way to long explaining the 'amazing' sharingan eye. Ass-hole. "And there's more." Sasuke ended.

"Ya think? Idiot." Sasuke glared at me. Oops. That was suppose to stay in my head. Oh well. Oh! And did I mention that Zabuza finished what Sasuke started? God I'm glade I never pay attention.

Zabuza jumped back to the water and a thick as hell fog materialized around us. "He's gone!" Sakura yelled and you could hear all of our heart beats.

"There are eight targets." Zabuza'S body-less voice sounded through the mist. "Throat, spinal column, lungs, liver, the jugular vein, the subclavian artery, kidney, heart. So many choices what vital, vulnerable place shall I choose. Heh-heh." Everyone was shocked.

Sasuke started to freak out. I felt a little bad for him. Only a little. He did snap at me. 'This terrible blood-thirst! If I draw his attention by even blinking he'll kill me! I can feel it! I can't stay like this for long! I'm going to lose it. A master ninja, determined to make a kill... Knowing my life is in his hands... I hate it! You start wanting to die, just to end the suspense.' Sasuke thought/panicked.

"Sasuke." me and Kakashi said at the same time, but. He spoke before me, "Calm down. Even if he gets me, I'll still protect you. I will never let my comrades die!!" Kakashi smiled.

"And, if you even care, when he dies, I'll protect you!" Zabuza appeared behind me, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto. "Game over." was all he said before Kakashi smacked us all out of the way.

Sorry if this is short. I typed I on my iPod. I wanna go c Pirates of the Carabean 4: On Strange Tides again!!! and like I stated earlier I'm sorry! I had to do it!! They may make up but they may not!!! Don't kill me!!! *Hides in corner*

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