Chapter 14: Whore Vs. Chicken Ass

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I'm sorry sasuke fans. I had to put that but you have to agree with me. His hair does look like that (and like a cacatoo but the other if funnier) but i just recently got my computer back (yay!)


Kakashi’s POV

"You’re a WHORE!"

"At lest my hair doesn’t look like A CHICKEN’S ASS!" I sighed. It’s always nice to wake up to Raven and Sasuke fighting. Even if its not our house. After a minute I laughed. ‘Haha. Chicken ass!’ I thought. That, as much as I hate to say it, was a good one.

"Are you alright, teacher?" Tazuna’s daughter, Tsunami, asked.

"No but I will be in about a week." Sakura started talking about the sharingan but I was listening to the "chicken ass/ whore" fight. I shook my head. Then we talked about the masked kid.


Chicken ass!


"Shut up!" I yelled, startling everyone but Raven. She’s going to be a hard one to scare... "Sasuke! Raven’s not a whore so stop calling her one! Raven! I don’t care how much Sasuke’s hair looks like a chicken’s ass but he doesn’t need to hear it every five seconds!!" At this point I was breathing smoke. Raven turned to Sasuke and whispered something in his ear. I was guessing it was ‘chicken ass’.

Raven bolted upright before falling down. "I feel a disturbance in the force!!"

"What?" Sakura inquired.

"As weird as that sounds I think you have a point." Kakashi agreed.

"What do you mean, Raven?" Naruto asked.

Her face dropped. "Zabuza... is still alive." Her eyes flashed a purple color, pupil blending in, but they looked like they belonged on a dead person. That’s what they looked like in my dream. "Are you ok, Kashi-sensei?" I snapped back to reality, her eyes where back to that beautiful, crimson.

I nodded. "The masked man didn’t kill Zabuza. He put him in a death-like state."

"Witch means we’re going to have another fight on our hands." Raven looked me in the eyes as she spoke.

"But we barley survived the first time!" Sakura panicked. I smirked.

"This is what we’re going to do..."

Raven’s POV

Kakashi must have hit his head when he fell. Trees?! Trees!! I hate trees. But I also love trees. ‘Ha! It’s a love hate relationship!’ I thought.

"Ok you are going to climb trees without using your hands." He threw a kuni at our feet. "Use this to mark the highest you can go. GO!" Sasuke walked up to a tree. Time to have some fun.

"NO! Chicken ass that’s my tree!" He ‘hn’ed and went to a different tree. "CHICKEN ASS! That is also my tree!" He was mad but went to a different tree. "CHICKEN ASS NO! Tha-"

"PICK A TREE DAMN IT!" He snapped.

"Ok I want this one." I picked the one next to the trees Sasuke wanted. "Bye!" I called and ran up the tree. In no time my kuni was dug into the tip-top of the tree. I used my stealth and climed down, so I didn’t disturb chicken ass. I talked to Kakashi for a minute before I sat by myself. Sakura soon came down from the top of her tree. She sat away from me. YES!

Naruto and Sasuke tufted it out for a while before Naruto came down to ask Sakura to help him. Sasuke glanced over and continued on. I laid down and covered my, soon falling into a blissful light sleep.

I woke up to a gentle shake on my shoulder. My eyes darted open. It was Naruto. He helped me up then we walked back to the house, Sasuke following behind.

Sasuke’s POV

I watched as Naruto and Raven walked in front of me. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t mean to her but if I’m not she’ll fall in love with me and screw up everything. I am not to love until he is dead. Only then and then only, if possible, I will try to win back Raven’s heart.

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