Aki thought over Killua's words.  

"In fact, it's the same for Hunters. Though, I think being a Hunter is more lax on the rules and whatnot." Killua quickly added.

Aki looked up, her expression a little better.

"Thanks. Talking with you helped clear my mind." She thanked Killua, genuinely and without any of her usual sarcasm.

"Hmm—no big deal, stupid." Killua responded in turn, trying to keep the red from showing on his face.

Aki snorted, a signal that her playful side was about to surface.

"Wow~ I would've never imagined having a decent conversation with you, four months ago."

Killua smirked. "Well, we only have you and your sarcasm to blame."

"What—you started it though??"

"Hah! Like you didn't purposely rile me up in ways only you would come up with. Like that time you made a ruckus during Gon's first match."

Killua pouted. Aki shook her head with a smile on her lips.

"Well, you don't exactly mind now, do you?" She teased.

They continued to banter, throwing arguments and jokes together. It would've been nice to have more moments like this with Aki.

Killua smiled ruefully.

Ah—there was no denying it now.

He likes Aki.

Ironic how his aversion towards the dark-haired person, slowly blossomed into fondness that grew over time. And now, Killua found someone he cherished more than his own life.

It's temporary.

His brother's voice echoed in his head. Killua froze in terror.

"Killua?! What's wrong—"

You don't need weaknesses. Always prioritize the mission.

Killua's breathing started to become labored.

If you stay by his side, one day you'll kill him.

"No! I won't. " Killua yelled out loud.

"Killua! What's wrong?" Aki asked, alarmed. The light-haired boy slowly looked down at Aki. However, he had a hard time concentrating on her image—not with his brother's eyes mingling at the back off his mind.

Aki assessed the boy. Sweat was running down his brow, and his grip on the plastic bag was tight. She checked his pulse, and tried to get him to answer her. It's doesn't seem like he was communicating telepathically with someone.

All the evidence so far, points out to another psychological attack.

Aki cursed under her breath. She didn't have any calming medical pills anymore. So instead, she made hand seals for Medical Ninjutsu and placed her glowing hands on his temples.

Immediately, Killua's vision cleared. He breathed a sigh of relief. Aki patted his back.

"... Thanks."

"Are you feeling better now?" Aki asked.

"Yeah. Peachy." Killua replied.

"... Does this always happen to you?" Aki asked.

"No... it's just—" Killua trailed off. He was unsure with how to explain his trauma.

"It's fine. You don't have to tell me. I mean, if you feel uncomfortable." Aki assured. Killua looked down. He felt ashamed of himself, for being so weak to his brother's words.

Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن