The Baby Blues (Part 20)

Start from the beginning

We climbed into the Mercury and David started off for our date. He didn't bring me anywhere fancy, and I wasn't excepting that; hell, it would have been awkward if we went anywhere fancy. We ate dinner at Chilies while Hayden watched from her booster seat. "I see she's eating more solid foods," David commented, watching her suck on a piece of bread. I nodded, "Yea, she loves food." David smiled at her and pinched one of her cheeks. "Do you still...well, you know?" He couldn't say cute. "Breast feed her? Yes, I do." His cheeks flushed just a little. This made me laugh, "Only first thing in the morning and right before bed to tire her out. Oh, and if she gets restless in the middle of the day, but she's cut down a lot."

We didn't talk much during dinner but we did share a bunch of laughs about Hayden and how cute she was being. People who walked passed our table had to stop to say 'hello' to her and tell us how adorable she was. When we got out of the restaurant it was already dark and the night had fallen quite cool. "Yay, fall is here." I said, cuddling Hayden closer to me. David put his arm around us and walked us towards his car. "Yea, it's kind of a relief, it's been way too hot." I agreed, I mean it was lovely living in Florida, but there were only four weather conditions: hot, hot and rainy, cold, or cold and rainy.

David took Hayden from me and strapped her into her car seat. When he got in next to me he smiled a his famous smile at me. My heart skipped a beat, "Don't do that." I told him, looking forward. "Do what?" He asked innocently. "Smile at me like that." I told him. "Why not?" He replied and I could tell he was enjoying this. "You know why." David chuckled, "No, I don't think I do." I sighed and leaned over in my seat, placing a soft kiss on David's cheek. His whole body froze up and his smile completely vanished. I know that he felt the jolt that had gone through the both of us, and I couldn't move away from him. My lips stayed near his skin and my breath hitched.

David turned his head and brushed his lips against mine, softly, but enough to set a fire throughout me. I pressed my lips against his harder and moved my hand to his cheek. Our tongues twirled together and I tasted the remains of his dinner and the piece of gum he was chewing now. Hayden laughed from the backseat, which helped me to break away from David. "Well," he said after a minute, starting his car. "That was one hell of a first date kiss." I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. "Shut up."

He drove me back to his house and I saw Libby's car in the driveway. "I'm going to go in and see Libby, see how her shoot went. Kay?" David smiled, "I'll get Hayden." I closed my door and ran into the house; Libby was laying in her room, rocking out to her ipod. "Hey, Libby!" I called loudly, she didn't hear me. I ran and jumped on her bed, scaring the shit out of her.

"Holy crap! Don't do that." She protested, yanking the earphones out of her ears. I looked at her funnily, "Do you have a lisp?" Libby gave me an evil grin and stuck her tongue out of her mouth; there was a medium silver ball on her tongue. "No way." I said, "You got your tongue pierced!" She wiggled like a happy puppy, "Hell yea! It was a gift to myself for doing so kick ass on the shoot. They're doing a contest with the models, who ever gets the most buys wins." "Most buys?" I asked her. She shook her head, "They made several different copies of the magazine we're modeling in and put a different girl on the front cover so...whoever's magazine sells the most gets the prize." I nodded, "Well I'll buy a bunch of yours so you can win." I said, knocking her on the shoulder, she arched her eyebrow at me. "What?" I asked. "Oh, well I just thought you realized, you can't buy one of my magazines."

"Well, why not?" I asked her, confused. "Because you're not eighteen. Clarissa and I posed for Maxim, not Cosmo Girl." My mouth gaped open, "Maxim! Libby are you serious?" She smiled and shrugged, "So serious. Why the hell did you think I was tanning my boobs?" I threw my hands in the air, "I don't know, because you're OCD, not because you were posing in a gentlemen's magazine!" Libby rolled her eyes, "Oh chill. First of all, I'm eighteen so I'm allowed to pose in whatever magazine I want; and second, we're covered up, Clarissa more than me, but still. You don't see anything." I kept shaking my head, "What did Clay say about it?" Libby laid back on her bed, "I haven't told him, which is why I'm going to use this tongue ring to soft him up..." I cut her off. "Oh god, I knew you got that for perverse reasons." I covered my face with my hands. "Okay, I so didn't. I've always wanted a tongue ring, but it will come in handy for those reasons as well..." She was smiling again.

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