Chapter 23- Back to Love

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Chapter 23
Back to Love



As I stare at the ring, I can't help but be nervous.

Who the hell am I to break tradition and propose to a man? Why can't I wait like everyone in my family and have a man propose to me? How will Algee take this? As me asserting my dominance over him? As me taking away his manhood? His masculinity? I don't want him to think less of himself as man. I don't want society to think any of him.

"Kim," Tre grabs my hand. "Relax, okay? Everything is fine."

"Really, Best Friend. Algee is gonna flip out. He won't be upset that you're proposing to him. He's gonna be happy as hell." Yazz adds, grabbing my other hand.

"Just sign the paper for the damn ring so that we can go. I have to go get Lola from Luke." Lucy snaps at me.

That's just what I need— my big sister yelling at me. It causes me to react and sign for the ring that I picked out. The engraving on the inside took a long time to come up with but it was worth it. I couldn't pass up the beautiful ring when I saw it. It's not custom like I had wanted but it's beautiful and I know Algee will love it nonetheless.

"Okay. Let's go." I hand the ring box to Lucy because I can't be caught with it and I don't trust Tre or Yazz to keep up with it like I do my sister.

"About time," JJ says as we Yazz, Tre, and I get into the car Algee brought me for my birthday. Lucy got in her own car. "Your damn dogs are getting on my nerves."

"Don't talk about my kids like that." I snap as I pet Dolce and Gabbana. They bark excitedly.

"I can't believe you're one of those people." Yazz shakes his head.

"It's so dumb. Dog parents. What happens when y'all have kids? They aren't human. They won't understand why they don't get as much attention." JJ says.

"I'll love all of my kids the same. I won't hear you complaining when Dolce and Gabbana have kids and you want one," I say and JJ smiles. "Luke wants one too. For Lola. Algee and I can't keep all of them once they're born— whenever they're born."

I drop JJ off at the airport. She's heading to Houston to meet up with Chance who has Charlie. They'll all be back in a week for Aunt Steph's surprise wedding and vow renewal. I drop off Tre then Yazz before heading to my apartment where Algee should be waiting. His flight got in while I was getting his ring— or getting Dolce and Gabbana some glammed collars like I told Algee (which I did get)— and he said he would be waiting for us with food.

"Algee? We're home." I say and then smile. It's weird to say that. I set the dogs down after closing the door.

"Hey Kimmy," Algee comes out of the kitchen in an apron. "The food's done and I started packing up the living room for you. We gotta start getting stuff into the house."

"Right. Especially since almost all of my leases are up," I say before kissing him. "I like you in an apron. You look cute."

"Not as cute as you with your chef hat." He smiles before going back into the kitchen. I continue packing up my living room as we have conversation through the wall.

At some point, I tune out Algee's babbling. I just can't concentrate on his words. Not while my mind is trying to keep this big secret from him and trying to figure out if this is a good idea.

Maybe I should just wait until he proposes to me and then give him the ring. We can both wear engagement rings. There's nothing wrong with that. I'll wait some time to give him the ring like I got it after he proposed. Yeah, that'll work. Whenever he proposes— if he proposes.

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