Chapter 18- Steph Curry

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Chapter 18
Steph Curry



"Man, fuck that hoe. Damn." I snap and throw my phone against the wall.

Kim doesn't even flinch as she watches my explosive episode. "What did she say?" Kim asks in the calmest voice ever.

"I don't even know why I dated that dumb, cheating, manipulative bitch, Kim. Her and her hoe ass friends causing problems. I don't know why I even let myself text her, ugly bitch. Fuck." I don't have anything to throw or punch so I sit down on Kim's sofa with my head in my hands.

Since Yvonne's hoe ass showed up at Kim's party, she's been texting and calling me every single second trying to get me away from my love. It's driving a wedge in me and Kim's relationship— a relationship that's only been official for a week.

"Algee," Kim calls me but I don't respond. She moves to my side and places her head on my shoulder. "Gee Gee, stop giving her so much control in your life," her hand moves in between my arm to rub my chest. "We're together and that's all that matters. It's me and you against the world."

I shake my head as I move away from Kim's embrace. "Kim, it's not that simple with Yvonne. She's manipulative. I was with her for years before I could finally shake her. She tried to drive everyone away from me. No matter how much I tried to leave her, she would find a way to win my sympathy. I can't." I let out a deep breath.

"Well, it seems like Miss Yvonne has finally met her match." Kim stands and straightens her shirt. She grabs her purse and new car keys.

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"We're going to get you a new phone. Then we're going to my Aunt Jacque to see how we can bury Yvonne Williams in the media." Kim grabs my hand. She pulls me up and out of the door.

True to her word, Kim took me to Apple to buy a new phone (just until the iPhone X drops) and then to her aunt's house.

"Aunt Jacque? Uncle Mike? Where y'all at?" Kim shouts when she walks into the house she unlocked with a key. Apparently everyone has a key to everyone's house or apartment. That's a lot of keys for this family. Kim picks up a piece of balled up paper and shoots it into the trash bin. "Curry!"

"Okay, Monica. So now you wanna like basketball?" Jacque teases as she comes down the stairs. "Why you yelling in my house, big head?"

"We need your help." Kim says.

"It's about that Yvonne girl, huh?" Mike asks as he comes out of the kitchen with a sandwich. "Algee, how you got her anyway? I used to fuck girls like that back in the day but I kept it under wraps. She would have never pulled up to my girl's party."

"Probably cuz your girl would have whipped your and that hoe's asses," Jacque rolls her eyes before looking at us. "Good thing I already found as much dirt as I could on her."

Jacque walks off and we follow her to her office. "Mike, where's my sandwich?" Jacque shouts as she sits behind her computer.

"This was your sandwich. My bad, Jacq!" Mike shouts as he walks into the office. "I'll make you soon as I finish this." He smiles at his wife.

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