Chapter 17- Steph Curry

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Chapter 17
Steph Curry



I can't say that I'm not a jealous person. Especially when I'm putting my all into someone. So, yeah. Maybe I was a little dramatic and inconsiderate of Algee's feelings. And I also underestimated the impact of hanging out with Yazz, but Algee also never told me about him and his ex being on good terms.

"Baby," Algee pokes his head into my bedroom as I watch The Vampire Diaries on Netflix and do some work. "Kimmy?"

"What, Gee Gee?" I pause the show to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I'm about to go to the store. You need anything?" Algee asks and I smile.

"I love you, too, big head. And I wanna go to the store." I jump off of the bed and grab my things to leave my apartment.

"No, Kimmy. Stay here. Relax. That's why I asked if you needed anything." Algee comes completely into the room to put his hands on my arms.

"Algee," I pout. "You know I like going to the store. Plus I need to get food to make us something eat tonight."

"Alright. Come on," He grabs my purse before walking toward the door. I follow him out of my apartment. "I was going to surprise you for your birthday weekend and cook but just gotta come along."

"I don't want you to cook for my birthday weekend and you know I'm the better cook." I kiss his cheek before getting in his car. I grab the aux cord and start playing music. Within moments, we're driving and singing and dancing.

This is what I love about Algee: how easy it is to be myself around him. How easy it is to laugh and smile and have no cares in the world.

We shop for dinner before I convince Algee that we need outfits for my birthday party tomorrow. We actually don't but I need the excuse to shop and buy us matching outfits.

"I say that we should do matching daishikis." I hold up a black daishiki shirt and matching dress for Algee to look at.

"For your party?" He gives me a skeptical look. "It's at a regular club. Not a reggae club."

"I'm sorry that I want to embrace the culture and history that I know nothing about because my ancestors were ripped away from their homeland because of the white man's greed." I say and Algee just stares at me. Some black people in the store around us clap at my words.

"You're so extra," he laughs. "Get them. If you wanna be the couple that matches, we can be the couple that matches." He walks over to the shoes to find matching pairs.

I walk up behind him as he looks at some black Vans. "You know what I'm tired of?"

"What's that, baby? What's grinding your gears?" Algee asks as he picks out his and my size shoes.

"Of saying us and we but when people ask what we are, we just say we're together." I say, waiting for his response.

"Really? Me too." He smiles without looking at me so I know he is on the same page with me.

"Well, then I think we should make it official. This eighth day in the month of September of the Lord's year of 2018 I hereby make Algee Smith and Kim Wallace-Tresvant an official couple as witnessed by these good people of the local shopping center." I say loudly for everyone to hear. The people don't flock because this part of L.A is used to celebrities.

"That's fine by me." Algee shrugs with a smile.

"Cool." I smile and we continue shopping.

"If you're declaring that we're officially together then I want to give you this," Algee reaches into his pocket and pulls out a large ring. "It's my class ring— from when I graduated. I know it's kinda corny but I always wanted to give a girl my class ring in high school, but I was always traveling for work that I never could get a real high school relationship."

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