Chapter 20- Steph Curry

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Chapter 20
Steph Curry


"So look," I pull Kim into the living room of her New York apartment. We're due to go back to Los Angeles tomorrow but I can't leave New York without telling Kim everything. "I realized that I can't have you fighting for me without you knowing everything."

"Gee, what's all of this shit?" Kim asks as she looks around the apartment. The walls and tables are filled with sticky notes.

"Everything I could think of about Yvonne and those around her. Every little detail down to the minute and day," I say with a smirk as I look around. "If you pick up a sticky note, I'll tell you about it then we burn it."

Kim smirks with me. "I like your thinking. Maybe we should do this with all of our exes," she gets up and walks around the room. She picks up a sticky note from the TV. "November 7, 2016: My 21st birthday," Kim looks at me expectedly. "We were friends then. Albeit, we weren't on the best terms with me dating Yazz but we were friends."

I roll my eyes. "I was drunk and high and felt some type of way so I let Yvonne smash. Then afterwards I realized she didn't even know it was my birthday. That's when I stopped fucking with her forever...well until you and me fell off for some time. Yvonne acted like she was sorry so we were friendly."

Kim just nods before balling up the sticky note and throwing it to the ground. She grabs another one. "May 5, 2017: Cinco de Mayo."

"The official day I stopped fucking with Yvonne. I celebrated by getting drunk as fuck on Cino de Mayo." I smile and do a little salsa to make Kim laugh.

We go through each and every sticky not until we reach the very last one. "This is it," Kim looks at me and I nod. She frowns as she reads the note. "November 7, 2013: Sex tape."

I take a deep breath. "Like I told you, Yvonne got me drunk as hell and convinced me that we should try a sex tape. I was 19— I didn't think much of it. So we made the tape and then I hid it somewhere no one could find it. When we officially and finally broke up in 2015, I realized the tape was gone. But I still didn't think much of it. Yvonne swore she'd never use it against me," I roll my eyes. "That was obviously a lie."

"Hey," Kim balls up the sticky note and throws it with the rest. She sits next to me and wraps her arms around my waist. "You were a dumb fool. She's beautiful. She played on your innocence and naïvety. She controlled the relationship in ways that you didn't think she could. It's not your fault for putting your faith into the wrong person. It's hers for messing with the wrong nigga."

I smile at my girl. "Spoken like someone who knows the pain of being made a fool of."

"Thanks to the one and only Jamal Matthews for fucking me up for the next guy to come along." Kim smiles a too-sweet smile.

"Good thing I don't give up easily," I kiss her softly but she pulls me closer for more. "Hey, girl. I'm tired. Goin down memory lane is exhausting. I ain't tryna fuck tonight."

"Good because we still have to burn this shit," She jumps up and grabs my lighter after putting all of the notes in her tin trash bin. "Anything else you want to burn?"

I look down at my wrist. I slip the simple silver watch from my arm and throw it to Kim. "I've worn this watch since 2012 when Yvonne and I got together. It's my everyday watch, you know? She told me it would be a symbol of our everlasting relationship. But it's become the symbol of her hold on me."

"No more," Kim smiles and throws the watch into the bin before setting the trash on fire. Her smile grows as she watches everything burn. When the fire goes out she throws everything down the garbage shoot. "That's it," she wipes her hands clean. "Now time to ruin a bitch's life."

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