Chapter 22- Back to Love

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Chapter 22
Back to Love



"Are you sure this is what you want for Kim?" John asks me as he, Tre, Yazz, Cassie, Ralph, RJ, my mom, Lucy and I stand in a jewelry shop in Atlanta. They came with me to get Kim's engagement ring.

"Yes. It's just right for Kim. It's the perfect ring for a princess who's becoming a queen. And it matches the wedding band." I smile as I hold the ring up. I worked hard since I realized that Kim is the one with the jeweler to create Kim's ring.

The clear diamonds were actually Yazz's idea. He's been helping me a lot. I know some would find it weird that my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend and best friend is helping me pick out her ring but who knows Kim better than me and Yazz? No one, that's who.

Anyway, Yazz thought Kim would love the clear diamonds that make up the band of the ring which has small Blue Nile Diamonds in between them. The wedding band was just a silver band with the same small Blue Nile Diamonds. They matched beautifully.

"Okay. So why the clear diamonds on the band?" Ralph asks as the rings are placed into their own black velvet boxes.

"Because Kim and I have clarity in one another. We don't have anything to hide from each other. We're one hundred percent honest with each other. When there is nothing to hide, everything is clear and in the light," I take the ring out of the box and twist it in the sunlight that streams in from the window. Rainbows pop out in every direction. "And in the light, you can see each and every one of our true colors and traits."

Everyone smiles at me while I put the ring back into its box. "You one corny motherfucka, Algee," Lucy kisses my check. "I can't wait to call you my brother-in-law."

"Thanks, Luce." I nod with a smile as I sign for the last payment and hand the ring boxes to John.

"Don't say shit. I'll protect them until the right moment." John shakes his head. We all know the plan and Johnny is okay with me proposing at his and Steph's secret wedding and vow renewal.

"Great. I'll see y'all later. Kim and I are apartment hunting." I do a quick Milly Rock and they laugh at me. We told our families we were getting an apartment together. An apartment doesn't seem as big of a commitment as a house. Especially the places where we've been looking.

I understand that everyone is supportive of us getting engaged and later married but the First Family isn't big on certain things. It would look bad on us and the family if the media took it and ran with the idea of us moving into a big ass house together.

I get in my car and drive to the house that Kim wants to look at. It's in the same neighborhood that T.I and Tiny live in.

"Gee Gee," Kim smiles as she walks into my arms. "How did it go? Helping RJ get a ring for Kat?"

That was the lie we all came up with. "It was great. I think he picked out the perfect one," I kiss her forehead. "You know I don't want a big ass house."

"And you know that one day we gonna have a bunch of big headed kids and my family is huuuge so we mind as well get a big house. Besides Uncle Ronnie and Brooke, no one else lives in Atlanta. We'll be the house of choice for family," she taps my nose as she goes to our real estate agent, Anne Rogers. "Get over it. I'm the woman of the house and what I say about the house goes."

I just shake my head as I smile while I follow behind Kim. I just watch in silence while Kimmy walks the house with Anne Rogers. They talk about the house and its design and everything as if I weren't also purchasing the house and living here.

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