Chapter 6- Girl

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Chapter 6



"Ayo, Gee," I look up from my phone to see Tre, RJ, and Wally staring at me. We are all out eating in L.A because I got some free time from the movie. Tre was the one who called me. "Man, you heard what happened?"

"No. What's up?" He has my full attention. I pray that no one is hurt in this family. It's like my family is hurt.

"Kim and Jacob broke up," Tre says. "Kim just texted me."

I actually relax. I thought someone was in trouble or hurt. These niggas making it seem like the world was about to crash down on us.

"And they put similar posts on social media." Wally says.

"Damn. And she posted a Pringle can," RJ says and we just look at him. "What? That means she's 'as single as a Pringle'. Duh."

I start laughing as I look at the cheddar cheese Pringle can Kim chose for her Twitter post. I smirk as I look up at the guys. "Yes," RJ nods. "Post a different flavor Pringle can. Stir the damn pot, Algee. Stir that bitch."

I google a picture of sour cream and onion Pringles. "Don't," Wally shakes his head. "Kim won't like it."

"Wally's right. Kim will get mad if you stir the pot. That won't get you the girl." Tre says.

I just nod. "Y'all are right. I won't be petty or anything. Or stir the pot." I put my phone down just as a message pops up.

Kim tweeted a post with a single emoji: the red, heartbroken, cracked heart.

Yes, I have Kim's notifications on for Twitter. And Instragram. It's not obsessive because I also have everyone else's notifications on...but not on all other forms of social media. Just Twitter for them.

"Damn. Maybe he broke up with her." Tre gasps.

"I wonder why?" I ask aloud. I can't see a reason why Jacob would break up with Kim. As far as I can tell, Jacob was infatuated with Kim. He adored her. Why would he break up with her?

"You should ask both of them what happened," RJ advices. "Jacob first then ask Kim if she wants to hang out or if she's okay."

"She still knows that she has you for a shoulder to cry on, right?" Tre asks and I nod before texting Jacob. His reply is quick.

Man, tbh Gee, I finally realized that Kim could never like me as much as I like her. As much as she likes someone else. I was saving myself from a heartbreak as much as she was saving herself from the guy.

"Yo, what guy?" RJ asks after I read the message aloud.

What guy? I follow up quickly.

Jacob wastes no time. I think it's you, man. She never said it but I could tell whenever she came on set. She acts different around you or when you're mentioned.

I'm left speechless. I just send the shocked emoji with the large eyes and rosy cheeks back to him before locking my phone. "What? What did he say?" Wally asks.

"He said he thinks it's me," I say slowly. "I think I need to go. I'm gonna go collect my thoughts then I'll see what's up with Kim."

They just nod and reject the money I try to put on the table to pay for the food I ordered. It's so hard to pay for anything with the First Family. They're always willing to pay and never think twice about it. It lowkey makes you feel like a moocher or user.

I walk out to my Uber and let the lady drive in silence.

"I'm sorry but aren't you Algee Smith?" The Uber driver asks. I look up in surprise. All we said to each other was hello when I got in and spoke briefly again when I told her to stop at Papa Johns to pick up a pizza.

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