Chapter 13- Stressed Out

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Chapter 13
Stressed Out



"Kimmy, let's go out." Algee lays his head on my shoulder as we sit in my room in my Boston apartment. I'm here working on my cooking line and Algee decided to come with me.

"Babe, I would, but you know I have some work do it. Plus I don't feel like going out with everything that happened with Luke and Lucy." I sigh. Algee sighs with me. It hurt the entire family when Lucy got hurt. We've all been sad since JJ's birthday when we got the call.

"Yeah, I know. But we have to keep living life. The world didn't stop neither should we," he pauses before grabbing my computer that I'm working on. I try to grab it back but he easily keeps me away. "Baby, you need to stop stressing. Take a break and go out with me. Let's go go-karting, then dinner," he kisses my shoulder. "Then after you'll let me love you until you sleep peacefully."

I try so hard not to give in. "No, Gee Gee," I push him back. I grab my phone to continue work. "I have this last thing to do. Then we can get to work."

"The good kind of work?" Algee asks with a smirk. I nod. He gets up and quickly wraps me in his arms. I lean in for a kiss but he fakes me out. "Great. So it's my plan, right? Go-karts, dinner, then back here? Great. I'll call Bryshere, Jamal, JJ, and Chance. They wanna go too."

Algee kisses me before leaving the room. That boy there. I just shake my head. With almost two months of just exclusive dating, I can say I'm really happy. We've been on dates all over the world actually. I took him to Spain and Japan within two weeks and he took me back to spend time with his family. We didn't have sex until our official eighth date just two days ago. It has been a great time and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I just sigh as I call R-N-B singer and Cash Money signee Jacquees to see if he'll be up for working on a single. He worked with JKL on our last album to sing  and rap on two songs: our All About Him remix and Superhuman. They were great tracks and JJ wants him on another song. Especially since he's gaining attention from other artists. And JJ gave me the task of getting him on board because apparently Jacquees has been telling reporters that he'll marry me one day. I haven't told Algee want JJ wants me to do.

"Hey Kim. What's up, beautiful?" Jacquees answers the phone on the first ring.

"Hey Jacq. How you doing?" I try to make a little small talk.

"I'm good. Better now since you've called. But what's up? I haven't heard from you in a while. I've missed seeing your beautiful smile." Small talk doesn't work and he's flirting.

"Nah. I'm good. Just working on a new album and other side projects. You know the grind never stops," I pause and he agrees. "We want you on a track. Our last two songs went great. But JKL would like to make a monster track with you soon. What do you say?"

"Well, you know my price for a feature. But I'm willing to drop it a little if you go on a date with me." Jacquees says and I hear the smile in his voice.

"I can't go on a date with you. I'm dating someone right now. We'll just pay your full price and go half on the royalties from the song. And we'll pay for studio time." I offer.

"Sure, but I'll get my date one day, Miss Tresvant. I'll have Bird call your auntie. Later, beautiful." Jacquees hangs up and I roll my eyes.

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