Chapter 14- Stresed Out

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Chapter 14
Stressed Out



She finally said it. Kim actually told me that she loved me.

I love you, too, Gee Gee. My heart fluttered when she said that. She may have been drunk but that doesn't change anything. She said it back to me. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

"Mmm," Kim groans as she wakes up, waking me in the process. "Fuck, my head hurts," she rubs her forehead against my chest like a cat marking its territory. "Gee Gee, my head hurts."

"I know but shut up, damn. Yo ass shouldn't have drank so much last night. I'm trying to sleep." I wrap my arms around her more tightly so I can get comfortable enough to go back to sleep.

"Whatever, nigga." Kim groans. We're silent for a long time. But there is no going back to sleep now that we're awake.

"You told me something last night," I pause, waiting to see if she'd say anything. "Do you remember what you said?"

Kim picks her head off my chest and I open my eyes to look at her. She has the cutest small smile on her face. Her eyes are sweet and innocent. "I told you that I love you, Algee," she smiles. "Of course I remember. I said it for a reason."

I just smile back at her. "Good," I can't stop smiling. "Can I hear it again?"

"I love you, Algee." Kim says slowly. My body tingles as the words leave her mouth.

Me. She loves me.

I make an excited man squeal and pull her to me to kiss your beautiful face and lips. "I love you so much, girl," I say as I continue to kiss all over her face. "Nothing and nobody can change that."

Kim pulls back. "Unless an ex of yours pops up."

And just like that the mood is ruined. "Kim," I frown. Why would she even bring that up? "Didn't I just say that nothing and nobody can change how much I love you? Damn. Why you bringing that shit up?"

"Don't cuss at me, Algee. Or you'll have an even bigger problem on your hands." Kim says with the most serious face I've ever seen. She climbs out of the bed as I try to talk to her.

"Kim," I call her. She's grabbing clothes and putting them on. "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go to my apartment to pack my shit and fly back to L.A.," She says as she pulls out her phone. "George? Yeah. Get the plane together, please. I'll be leaving in an hour. Hour thirty tops. Thanks."

I jump out of the bed and to stand in her way. "I don't know what the hell you think this is, Kimberly, but you ain't going nowhere. I'm not gonna let you walk out of this apartment. I don't know who you think I am, but I'm not some random, basic ass nigga who you can just walk out on. We're gonna sit here and talk this shit out because if you walk out then I'm done with you. As much as I love you, I will not put up some random ass, petty ass mood changes. So sit yo pretty ass down on that bed so we can talk."

Kim tries to stare me down but I ultimately win and she makes her way back to the bed where she sits with an angry pout on her face. I kneel down in front of her. "Marry me?"

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