Chapter 19- Steph Curry

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Chapter 19
Steph Curry



"I thought you were still mad at Algee?" Tre asks as Lucy drives him, Yazz, Miss Tanesha, and me through L.A.

"I mean, I still am. I'm never not mad at him. He does stupid shit all of the time." I roll my eyes.

"Very true." Miss Tanesha nods.

"But I still love his short ass. That's my baby." I smile.

"You mean you wanna have his babies." Lucy says and I glare at her.

"She want Algee to be her Baby Zaddy." Yazz says in a ghetto girl voice. Everyone laughs as I roll my eyes.

"Not for some time," I say as I look back at Miss Tanesha. "Me and Algee have to be married first. I'm not having no kids with him unless my last name is already his."

"I understand that. As long as I get me a grandbaby or two." Miss Tanesha smiles as Lucy parks the car.

I had her bring us to the same jewelry shop Luke went to to get her engagement ring and wedding band. It's only right that I come here to get an engagement ring for Algee.

I thought about it last week when everything was happening with that bitch Yvonne. No matter how much stuff seems to be going wrong or how much I tried to push Algee away in the past, everything in me loves him. He's the only person I want to be with. I can't imagine waking up to anyone else. Having someone else's children. Growing old with anyone else.

So I decided to break the mold and propose to him. Of course my dad was against it, but we live in 2017— this has become common for a woman to step up. I never thought I'd be the one to do it, but it feels right. Algee and I don't have a normal relationship so why not have an abnormal proposal?

We spend hours looking at different rings and thinking of different ideas for Algee. I finally decide on one that I think is perfect. It's simple and not too flashy, but it's something Algee will want to flash.

"What would you like on the inside, Miss Tresvant?" The owner asks me as he pulls the ring to the side.

"Do you do the voice levels? I want to record something and have the levels engraved on the inside." I ask and the owner smiles.

"Yes. Is this a rush job like Mister Boyd's ring was? Or would you like me to take my time?" The owner asks and Lucy looks up in shock. "Yes, Miss Lucy. I did your week in two weeks. Fastest I've ever done a custom made ring. But the videos and results were worth it."

"I'll be back around the middle of November. No rush. I'll call when I have a specific date. Just let me know when I should come in to do the voice recording." I smile. The owner and I exchange numbers before we leave to get lunch.

"Algee has been blowing up my phone." Miss Tanesha says as we sit down.

"Mine too." Tre shakes his head.

"Blowing up the group message. Wondering why Kim won't answer him." Yazz says.

"Seriously. It's lowkey sad," Lucy looks at me. "When was the last time you talked to him?"

"This morning. He sent me a 'good morning' text and I said it back," I shrug. Everyone looks at me like I've lost it. "What? I'm still mad that this bitch has come into our lives and Algee hasn't told me everything about her so we can take her down. What kind of team are we if we keep secrets?"

I roll my eyes at them as they just continue as if I didn't say anything. I FaceTime Algee to appease them. "Kimmy," his face loses all tension as he looks at me. "Hey baby. What's up?"

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