Chapter 11- Stay In

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Chapter 10
Stay In



"Kim Wallace-Tresvant has been making headlines once again. Her older sister is engaged and pregnant. Her cousin is married and pregnant. Everyone is wondering the same thing: who is Miss Tresvant's beau?

"Well, we can't tell you much at TMZ simply because we aren't sure either. But what we can tell you is this past weekend Miss Tresvant was spotted in Atlanta with Algee Smith of the New Edition and SJC Story. The two were seen at Smith's apartment, Smith's parents' house, and together in a club for the Michigan-born singer's birthday party.

"What does best friend Bryshere Gray of Empire have to say? We couldn't get any answers but we have cameras that have spotted the two best friends— Gray and Tresvant— together being extremely more cozy than normal. How will Smith feel about his new beau double teaming? Stay tuned for more information because we will have more dirt on Miss Kim T."

I have to close my eyes as I read the TMZ article. God, why?

"Kimberly," my mom and auntie Jacque have been fussing at me for an hour straight. Auntie Steph would be here but she's off fussing at Tre again. "You need to get your shit together."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because we're about to start a promotional tour for the movie and your drama is clouding all of that," Auntie Jacque says. "It's bad PR and makes the entire family look bad."

"Maybe I don't care. I just want to date who I want. I want to fuck who I want. I don't want to pick. I don't want to get my shit together," I roll my eyes. "I'm leaving. I'm meeting Yazz to go shopping."

"Kim!" Mom calls after me but I'm not turning around to be fussed at like a child.

I get a text from Yazz as I get into my car. Just saw the TMZ article. Still wanna shop, beautiful? Or chill at my place? #bestfriendday
#sayyes2this🍆day 😜

I text back with a smile. I hate you. You're so lame. And yes. A best friend day would be great.

I drive toward Yazz's apartment with unmarked paparazzi cars following me. I quickly call my bodyguard George who's always behind me or near me in silence.

George doesn't play any games when he answers the phone. "I see them. I'm coming in front of you. Follow me."

I don't get a chance to say anything before George's unmarked black Cadillac Escalade is in front of me. I follow him around Los Angeles until we lose the paps. "Where are we going, ma'am?"

"Yazz's apartment. And thanks, George." I sigh.

"Of course. It's my job and I hate those assholes," George says before he hangs up. Once he and I get to Yazz's apartment, George hops out of his Cadillac and so does another bodyguard. "Take her car back to the apartment and stay there. Let me know if anything or anyone is there. I'll let you know if we come back there."

The other bodyguard nods and takes my car key from me. He drives off with my car. "Who's that?" I ask George as we walk up to Yazz's apartment.

"Your mom added on another guard to protect you from the paps. His name is Jorge. Ex-Marine. Takes his job very seriously." George says. I nod before knocking on Yazz's door.

He opens it and hugs me tightly. "I was so worried. You've never taken that long to get here before. And apparently there was something going around that you were in a car chase."

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