Chapter 3- My Kind of Beautiful

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Chapter 3
My Kind of Beautiful



Before anyone gets up in the morning, I'm sneaking out of the house and into my car. As I'm pulling out of the driveway, my best friend walks outside and waves me to stop.

"I got an Uber here. Let's go to your place," Bryshere says as he opens the car door. "For our Best Friend Day."

"I'd rather not. JJ's going to come home asking questions about why we left without saying anything. I'd rather we go shopping and stuff. Buy some clothes to wear for the day and move on with our lives." I say. He gets in the car and closes the door.

"Alright," he gives me a strange look. "Do what you want."

I drive for the nearest mall so we can buy an outfit for the day without having to go home and change.

"So talk." Bryshere says after we buy jeans with matching shirts and shoes. Cliché best friends but we don't care.

"About what?" I ask, looking at different clothes on the rack. We changed into our new clothes after buying them. Can't be seen in yesterday's clothes.

"There has to be a reason you was just about to jump out of Luke's crib while everybody was sleep. So talk. What happened last night?" He asks. I hold up a shirt and he shakes his head.

I put the shirt back on the rack. "Nothing. When everybody started going to sleep, Luke told us to go in his room to lay in the bed. I got up in the middle of the night to get some water and Algee had the same idea, I guess. We talked for a little bit as we drank our water then went back to sleep." I say nonchalantly.

"You're leaving out something important," he chuckles. "Y'all talked about you being an ass toward him? Or did talking turn into something else?"

"Bryshere, kiss my ass." I roll my eyes before putting the clothes back on the rack and walking out of the store. He follows behind me without a complaint.

"I'll gladly do that if you tell your best friend what's up. It feels like you're keeping me out. For what? I'm not gonna judge you, best." He playfully sniffs as if he's gonna cry.

"Oh shut up, you drama king," I link my arm into his. "Fine. Algee asked me what changed and I told him just the feelings—"

"Well, that isn't true." Bryshere interrupts.

"No shit, Sherlock," I roll my eyes. "I couldn't tell him that, though. But I guess he figured it out for himself or whatever. But that's not important. What's important is I told him that I didn't want him and he—"

"What you go and tell that nigga that for?" My best friend looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Shut up, nigga, damn. Can I finish?" I roll my eyes and he nods. "He kissed me."

Bryshere pulls me to a stop in the middle of the mall. Being early on a Monday morning, it wasn't as crowded as it could have been but stopping in the middle of the walk-space is still rude as hell.

"Why?" I just ask as he starts being dramatic like always. "Why did you pick me as a best friend?"

"First of all, you spilled champagne on me. I just returned the favor," he smiles, causing me to smile at the start of our friendship. "And second, how are you gonna just say he kissed you like it was nothing?"

"Cuz it wasn't anything," I shrug, lying through my teeth. That kiss was everything. Unscripted, passionate, and ruined by Elijah walking in. "It was a kiss."

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