Chapter 5- Girl

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Chapter 5



"Kim! Babe, I'm so happy that you came out." Jacob greets me as I walk on set of his and Algee's new movie. A bodyguard closely follows behind. It's my parents', aunties', and uncles' number one rule to always have at least one or two security whenever we travel alone. I know it will be beefed up very soon because of Lucy and JJ being pregnant.

"Well, when your boyfriend invites you to a very exclusive movie set you can't say no, right?" I smile and hug him tightly. "Plus I missed you."

It's only been a month since Jacob and I made it official but it's been more than a month since I last saw him. What kind of relationship is this? We made it official over FaceTime and that was shitty as hell.

"I missed you, too, beautiful," He smiles before kissing me softly. "Come meet the rest of the cast. Hey George. You good?" Jacob greets my usual bodyguard. George just nods before Jacob grabs my hand and leads me to the trailers where the other actors are, speaking to a few people along the way. "Ayo, Algee! Get everyone here!"

I haven't seen Algee since August when I went to his apartment. I've made myself scarce whenever I knew he would be there for an interview or promo stuff. A good month I was able to avoid the handsome singer and actor, but now I can't. I'm on his turf— his project.

Algee's eyes look me up and down like he is the thinking the same thing. "Alright." His glorious voice drifts to my ears. It's heavenly. I've missed hearing it in person.

Who thinks about other guys like this with their boyfriend standing right next to them?

I hardly pay attention to the introductions that Jacob does because all I can think about is Algee ignoring me. It's my fault. I ignored him as much as I possibly could. I didn't answer any his of calls or texts. I ignored all questions about him that interviewers bring up. I almost blocked him on all social media so I didn't have to see his face.

See that was when I knew I was crazy: how else would I be able to sneak in updates of his life? And it would look so bad if I blocked him on social media. People always look too far into that type of thing.

"Babe, wanna come on set? See everything?" Jacob asks me as we stand talking to most of his cast mates.

"Yeah, but can we wait a minute? Tre is coming. He said he wanted to see Algee." I say.

"Why me?" Algee asks in shock, addressing me for the first time.

I shrug. "I don't know. He just said he was catching a later flight here and to wait for him before we go on set."

"That's fine. I can't wait to meet your cousin. What about your brother? What's his name?" Jacob asks, snapping his fingers as he tries to think.

"RJ," Algee supplies my brother's name. "Her brother's name is RJ."

The cast kinda shifts uncomfortably, but Jacob's smile never leaves his face. "Oh right. Thanks, Gee. Sorry, Kimmy. I had a brain fart. There are a lot of cousins and people to remember," I let myself smile sympathetically. "So how far out is Tre?"

"Tre is like thirty minutes away. And RJ is spending time with his girlfriend so he couldn't come in. He did say that he wants to meet you, tho." I smile.

"Alright. Cool. Let's go wait in my trailer for him," Jacob looks at his cast mates. "Later, y'all."

I smile and wave at the cast and Algee (who's face displays his annoyance like a neon sign) before following Jacob to his trailer. "You can wait out here, George." George just nods and sits in a chair next to the trailer steps.

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