Chapter 12- Stay In

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Chapter 12
Stay In



These last few months have been the equivalent of hell for me. From November up until May, Kim dated someone I thought of as my brother. How could they both do me that? I love Kim, but I kept asking myself is it even worth waiting for her? She obviously didn't take my feelings into consideration when she decided to fuck Yazz, turn around and fuck me, then become Yazz's girlfriend. Shit still trips my head out.

But I've adjusted. I've just learned to live with it. Be their friend despite everything. It's what my momma taught me to do: Be a gentlemen despite it all. It became easier after Yazz explained his side and apologized to me. He had stopped feeling romantic feelings for Kim back in March but didn't know how to tell her. They broke up at the end of last month.

"So you still don't have a date to the BET Awards?" My mom asks me over FaceTime as I pick out my outfit for this year's BET Awards.

"No, Ma. I don't," I roll my eyes. "It's not that important if I have a date or not."

I look through the racks of the high-end designer store. "Ask Kim. You know she just broke up with Bryshere. She needs a date." My mom says.

I look at her like she's lost her mind. "Ma, she just broke up with him. I'll look like a rebound." I shake my head.

"Um, I don't think you'll look like a rebound. I actually think everyone would love to see us walk the red carpet together." Kim's voice makes me jump and turn around.

"Oh hey Kim!" My mom is excited to see Kim even though she broke my heart after my birthday.

"Hey Miss Tee. How are are you?" Kim grabs my phone and starts holding a conversation with my mom on my phone.

"What the hell?" I look at Kim and my phone in confusion. I take the phone from Kim. "Bye, Ma."

"But—" I hang up the phone before she can argue. I look to Kim with what I hope is a mean mug and not with longing.

"Hey Gee Gee," Kim ignores me with a smile and starts looking through the racks. She pulls out a light pink suede jacket and holds it up against my chest. "I think this would be cute on you. It matches your complexion and mine. I have a dress this color. Gold accessories, I think. I know I have some bomb ass shoes to match."

"Kim." I shake my head and she looks at me.

"What, Gee Gee?" Kim asks innocently.

"You can't just come in here and picking out an outfit for us to wear to the BET Awards like there is an us and that we're going together." I say and she frowns.

"You're right," Kim nods. "Algee, I need a date to the BET Awards and I know you need one. Will you be my date? I know no one else can look as fly as you walking down the red carpet with me."

"No." I shake my head and continue looking for any outfit. I kind of eye the jacket Kim pulled. It is nice.

Kim pulls some matching jeans with a smile before walking away. She comes back with matching dress shoes. "You know you want to say yes. There's no other arm I'd rather hang off." Her smile becomes teasing.

"I'll need more than an outfit to be bribed with." I say with a small smile and she smiles widely.

"How about I cook dinner at my new apartment? I haven't christened it yet and no one has been over besides my parents, brother, sister, and Tre. I need a friend to come over and eat with me." Kim bites her lip, her bold demeanor leaving. I guess her confidence is weaning.

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