Chapter 4- My Kind of Beautiful

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Chapter 4
My Kind of Beautiful



I honestly didn't expect any form of contact with Kim after she ran out of Luke's place the morning after our kiss. I thought that she would ignore the hell out of me until she felt like she couldn't anymore. But she texted me. Only a day after the incident. Just a simple Hey Gee Gee.

Only the Lord (and Luke, Wally, and Elijah) knows the smile that creeps onto my face as her name flashes across my phone. My heartbeat increases tenfold and my blood pressure rises. All because she sent me a hey.

My reply is instant. No need to pretend like I'm not excited. How cool should I play this? Nothing too formal but not too causal— Hey Kimberly wassup.

"What the hell are you smiling about?" Elijah asks me as he, Wally, Luke, and I sit in a restaurant to eat. Normally, Luke would be spending his time with Lucy but she had spent the day with her Aunt Steph, Woody, and Wally working on the different BGT, BBD, and JKL albums. And instead of running to her when she went home, he came to dinner with me, Wally, and Elijah.

Wally actually surprised us by coming along. The cast and I are all cool with BGT but we hardly ever hung out without the girls during filming. I guess that'll be changing soon.

"Uh...Kim. Kim texted me." I answer slowly, the smile never leaving my face.

"Well, what did she say?" Wally asks while looking through the menu.

"Hey." I shrug. All three look up at me.

"Just hey?" Elijah asks. "And you're smiling like a creep because of a hey?"

"She added Gee Gee to it," I say. Their faces turn to ones of understanding. "Exactly, judge-y asses. I kept it cool, tho. I just said Hey Kimberly wassup."

My phone dings as she messages me back. Nothing Netflix and chilling by myself...without the chill of course.

I continue to smile as I text back. I feel that...gotta chill by yourself sometimes. What's on?

"Algee?" Elijah snaps me out of my phone. "Order your food, man."

I look up at the waitress. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." I order my food before checking my phone again.

Nothing I haven't already watched...Family Guy currently. "Are you just going to be in your phone, texting her? Or interacting with us?" Luke asks when I don't look up for some time.

My favorite episodes are all of the ones with Stewie and Brian. They remind me of my dogs Niecey (r.i.p) and Dolce. "Last that I checked she was curving him and now she's texting him. He has every right to ignore us and continue being in his phone." Wally comes to my defense.

"Thank you." I nod to my bro. Luke just rolls his eyes before having a conversation with Wally and Elijah.

Me too! I never got to have a dog so watching Brian and Stewie makes me happy...sorry about Niecey, but Dolce is the cute little Yorkie you post on IG right?

When our food comes, I multitask to eat and respond to Kim in a timely fashion. Thanks and yeah that's my little dude. I miss him. He's home with my mom now.

That must suck. I know he misses you would be hard not to.

Her words make my smile grow wider. "Bro, if you smile any harder you'll crack yo ugly ass face and then Kim really won't want yo short ass." Elijah says. Wally and Luke laugh.

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