Chapter 19

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"y/n? Stiles?" Scott's voice echoed through the hallway above you.

"Down here!" You shouted back when suddenly Scott and Chris appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Oh, thank God." Scott muttered as they walked into the room, taking it all in.

Peter was sitting against the wall holding his hand against his side with blood dripping through his fingers.

Derek stood next to you, not putting any pressure on his right knee while his upper body was just a mess of blood and cuts.

"We need to get out of here." Derek instructed, pulling the knife out of his shoulder and dropping it to the ground.

"Like right now!" Peter said standing himself up with Scott's help. You were shocked the beta didn't try and refuse the help from the alpha. "Deucalion wouldn't have gone far, we need to leave before he gets back."

"Not without Cora." Derek suddenly said. Cora? His little sister? What is she doing here?

"Cora? What?" Stiles questioned looking from Peter to Derek.

"Deucalion has her. He did something to her and she only listens to him." Peter explained.

"Alright, alright." Scott said shaking his head. "First we get Derek and Peter back to the vehicles and then the rest of us will come back for Cora because no offence, but I don't think either of you will be up for fighting right now."

Derek nodded softly agreeing with the teenager, breaking your heart even more. Derek never said no to fighting. He never quits especially if it's for Cora, but seeing him so weak and agreeing to sit out means, he is really hurt. What the hell did Deucalion put him through?

"Well well well." Deucalion's voice echoed through the hallway and you froze gripping Derek tighter.

Suddenly Deucalion appeared at the door walking into the room and your heart began to beat a million miles an hour.

The last time you saw him, he had you chained to his bed. So, seeing his face again did not sit well with you.

You all took a few steps back and Chris cocked his shotgun aiming it at the alpha.

"We just want the Hales, let us take the three of them and we won't hurt you." Chris said calmly, taking another step backwards.

But, Deucalion just laughed as Lydia suddenly screamed. It wasn't her usual Banshee scream and it was followed with Allisons screams as well.

"Cora." Derek commented looking over at Scott and Chris nodding at them to go.

"You better hurry. I told Cora to fight to kill." He said and in a flash Chris was out the door running to save his daughter.

Scott stood there hesitant, his eyes bouncing from you to Derek and to Stiles.

"Scott go!" You shouted, but he shakes his head looking over at Derek who nodded.

"Go!" Derek yelled giving him a small smile and he nodded taking off past Deucalion to help Isaac and the girls. Leaving Peter leaning against the wall to support himself, while holding the knife wound on his side.

"Well that wasn't very smart to let the hunter and true alpha leave, leaving three betas, two of them barely able to stand and a teenage boy." Deucalion observed as his claws and fangs came out and you did the same.

"You hurt y/n and I'll kill you, I swear to God I'll kill you!" Derek shouted protectively when he noticed your claws out. "Don't." Derek warned putting his hand on your shoulder when suddenly Peter roared sprinting at Deucalion.

You all watched unexpectedly as Peter landed a solid cut to the alphas back causing him to grunt in pain.

"Stiles, top draw wolfsbane, red!" Derek shouted pointing towards the table on the other side of the room. "We need to keep Deucalion distracted, the red wolfsbane can kill him." Derek instructed looking at you and you nodded in response. God he better be right, this son of a bitch needs to be killed.

Peters fight didn't last long before Deucalion swung his cane slamming it into the betas face. He began to turn to you and Derek who were blocking his view from Stiles behind you who was hiding behind the desk, hopefully putting the red wolfsbane into a needle.

Derek placed his arm in front of you pushing you behind him slightly as he took a shaky step towards the alpha.

"You wanted me dead, remember? Leave everyone else alone and I will make it easy for you." Derek offered, but the alpha just laughed.

"Why just kill you, when I can kill your whole pack, leaving y/n with no choice but to join me again." He said while grinning at you making you feel sick to the stomach.

"I would rather die than be a slave to you again." You answered with a soft growl.

"Well that could be arranged." Deucalion said shifting into his werewolf form with a roar.

You glance at Derek who nodded, his claws and fangs coming out too, but not being able to shift any further because of the wolfsbane in his system as you shifted into werewolf form.

"Derek your knee." You muttered watching him take another shaky step closer to Deucalion.

"Doesn't matter." He answered when Deucalion suddenly ran at the two of you.

Derek quickly pushed you to the side of the room out of harms way as he ducked from Deucalion's fist and landing a solid punch to the alphas head in the process.

But, Deucalion barely noticed it and grabbed Derek's shirt and throwing him into the wall. You and Peter quickly attack, claws out trying to do as much damage as possible even though it barely phased the alpha.

You glanced at Stiles, but couldn't see him from behind the desk and you just hoped he would be done soon.

You turned back to Deucalion dodging his claws, but Peter wasn't so lucky and the beta was sent flying, landing on the stairs with a groan.

You glanced over at Derek who was forcing himself onto his feet, the cuts on his bare upper body now oozing blood again.

"y/n!" He suddenly shouted as Deucalion's hands wrap around your throat lifting you up off the floor.

You could barely breath as his fingers tightened around your throat and you were almost certain he was going to crush your wind pipe.

"Let her go!" Derek's voice yelled and you managed to turn your head slightly to find him running towards Deucalion his eyes burning blue in anger.

"If you say so." He responded lifting you higher before throwing you into the wall.

You slammed into the cement wall head first and before your body hit the ground you could feel blood dripping down the side of your face.

You landed the ground with a thud and everything around you spun as the pain in your head grew and you knew you had split your head open somewhere. You groaned, biting your lip trying not to show pain.

You lifted your head slightly just in time to watch in shock as Deucalion pinned Derek to the other wall stabbing his claws into Derek's stomach in attempt to kill him.

"NO!" You cried trying to move, but your body wouldn't let you as you heard Derek gasp in agony, watching as Deucalion twisted his claws in Derek's bare stomach.

At that moment the walls began shake as the Banshee scream filled the air and your heart stopped for a second knowing who the scream was for. You couldn't control yourself as tears started pouring down your face.

"DEREK!" You screamed watching his face grimace in pain as blood dripped from his mouth with Deucalion's claws still in him.

You tried to move, but Peters hands were suddenly holding you down.

"No, you will die too!" He shouted his voice actually shaky, something you weren't expecting since he always acts like he didn't care about anything especially Derek.

"Derek!" You cried fighting uselessly against Peters grip. No!

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