Chapter 4

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"We're here." Derek stated parking in front of the station and your eyes landed on the familiar blue jeep parked next to them.

You followed behind Derek into the station and you could hear Stiles and your Dad talking in his office.

"Derek! What was so important that you woke me from my beauty sleep?" Stiles asked as he opened Dads office door.

"Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles. I found someone who's been eager to see you guys." Derek responded as you step out from behind him and smiled softly with tears forming in my eyes.

"y/n?" Dad and Stiles questioned at the exact same time, jaws dropped.

You nodded shyly as the two men rush over to you and wrap you into a tight hug.

"I thought you were dead!" Dad said hugging you and Stiles.

"I'm not dead, I'm okay." You responded kissing Stiles' forehead softly as your brother started to cry.

"What happened? How-" Dad tried to ask as he lets you and Stiles go and you shook your head.

"That's a very long story that I'd rather not talk about if that's okay?"

"You talk to me when you feel like you are ready, but who's the son of a bitch I have to kill?" He asked angrily.

"It's already taken care of Dad. It's okay, don't worry. I'm fine." You reassured and Stiles shook his head.

"God I missed you." He whispered wiping away his tears and you embrace him in another hug.

"I am never going to leave you again little brother, that is a promise."

"Derek, thank you for bringing y/n back to us." Dad said and you turned to Derek who nodded giving you a small smile as he walked out the station. You watched until the door shuts behind him before turning your attention back to your family.

"You have grown up so much, you look so much like your mother." Dad observed, his eyes watery and you laughed softly liking the compliment.

You guys stood in the office for over an hour talking about everything you have missed over the years.

"Hey Stiles I-" Scott suddenly called out, walking into the office, but stopped mid sentence, jaw dropped when his eyes landed on you.

"Hey Scotty." You greeted with the biggest smile as you watch Scott's eyes fly from Stiles and then back to you.

"It's really her." Stiles responded and Scott bolted over to you, embracing you in a tight hug.

"I thought you were dead." Scott stayed letting go now with tears in his eyes too.

"That's what everyone thought, but you can't get rid of me that easily boys." You responded, smiling but noticing a slight change of expression on Scott, but it only lasts for a moment.

You all stayed there talking for a few more minutes before Scott breaks it apart.

"Hey Stiles can I talk to you outside for a minute?" And with that the boys headed outside leaving you and your dad for a much needed father daughter moment.

"What's wrong?" You heard Stiles ask once the boys were outside and you silently thank your werewolf hearing.

"It's y/n dude... she's a werewolf." Scott explained and you suddenly felt guilty. I should have been the one to tell Stiles, I completely forgot Scott would have been able to tell.

"What?! No you must be smelling Derek on her or something I noticed she's wearing his shirt... which reminds me I need to have a stern talking with him about my sister." Stiles said and you rolled your eyes, but smile liking how protective he was.

"She is definitely a werewolf! I don't know what happened during the past six years, all I know is that it would have been hell for her because I can smell it. Stiles, she's scared and looks like she hasn't slept for days. What if werewolfs took her! She must hate werewolfs now! She's going to hate me and you because you're part of the pack!" Scott stated and now she could hear Stiles heart starting to beat faster.

"Shit." Stiles muttered.

"y/n?" Dad asked and you turn back to him, his face full of concern. "You're listening to the boys talking aren't you?"

And you nodded.

"Werewolf?" He asks and you nodded again tears forming in your eyes. "Hey sweetheart, it's okay." He whispered pulling you into a hug as you break down in his arms. You hate crying in front of people, especially family, you don't want them to think you are weak, but you couldn't stop yourself as tears pour down your face.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm so sorry." You mumbled and he hugged you tighter.

"Derek told you about the Hale-McCall pack right?" He asked and you nodded, your head still buried in his neck. "See there is nothing to be worried about, I certainly won't love you any less knowing you're a werewolf. Plus at least now I know you will be able to protect Stiles when the pack is off saving the town." He responded and you laughed softly tears still pouring down your cheeks.

"y/n what's wrong? Are you okay?" Stiles quickly questioned as the boys walk into the room finding you crying in your dads arms.

"I should have told you straight away, please don't hate me." You whimpered trying to wipe away your tears and Stiles face saddens before pulling you into a hug.

"I would never hate you!" He exclaimed. "You're my sister! And now you're part of the pack!" I'm apart of the pack?!

You look over at Scott who nodded.

"You're basically my sister too. We grew up together and no sister of mine is gonna be an omega when she can be a beta in mine and Derek's pack." He explained with his puppy dog smile.

"I love you guys." You responded with the biggest smile.

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