Chapter 2

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"Derek! Oh thank God, I thought it was Peter coming back from New York already." A mans voice shouted as the two of you walk into Derek's loft, as he called it.

You look over to where the voice came from to find a blonde curly haired teenager staring right back at you. That must be Isaac, Derek said he lives here too.

"He won't be back for a few weeks." Derek replied, but it was clear the young man wasn't listening as his eyes were on you.

"Isaac this is y/n, she'll be staying the night, so be nice." Derek warned and you smile at the teenager before following Derek up the stairs into what you presume is his bedroom.

"The shower is through that door." Derek said as he grabbed a spare towel and one of his shirts. "I know it's not your size, but it would be better than your half ripped and blood soaked one." He added and you nodded in agreement before walking into the shower.

You shut the door behind yourself and leant against the door taking in deep breaths. It's going to be okay, Derek is one of the good guys. This Isaac boy seems kind, everything will be fine. Tomorrow morning I will leave for the Sheriffs station when I've healed so I don't freak Dad and Stiles out... who am I kidding they will freak out regardless since they think I'm probably dead... Wait wait how do I tell them that I'm a werewolf? They might hate me...

"Hey, y/n are you okay?" Derek's voice called and you mentally face palm forgetting he could hear your heart beat rising. Relax y/n, it's fine. You're alive and for the love of God don't have a panic attack, Derek probably already thinks you're weak as it is.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You replied shaking your head again knowing Derek would have been able to tell that was a lie, but you sigh gratefully as Derek seemed to drop the topic.

After you showered you put your clothes back on minus your shirt which got replaced with the oversized shirt that smelt like Derek and you smiled.

"Your pack member doesn't like me very much does he?" You asked walking into the bedroom to find Derek sitting on the end of the bed.

"The pack just went through a lot after two of my betas got killed and my sister nearly dying." Derek explained as you take a seat next to him.

"Your betas? You use to be an alpha?" You asked carefully realising this was a sensitive topic.

"I was, but I lost my alpha powers when I took my sisters pain." He explained and you nodded having heard that if you go too far when taking someone's pain it could end badly.

"How did she get hurt?" You asked curiously.

"That is a long story involving my horrible choice of girlfriends and also a pack of alphas." He answered causing you to freeze. A pack of alphas? The pack of alphas? "Y/n what's wrong?"

"THE pack of alphas? As in Deucalion's pack of alphas?" You questioned as you felt your heart beat rising dramatically.

"Yes, but how do you know about them?" He asked and you closed your eyes trying to steady your heart beat. "They aren't here anymore, Most of them are dead and trust me they won't be coming back after what we did, it's okay don't worry. But, how do you know them?"

"You know that long painful story I said I was going to tell you? This is it." You answered and Derek nodded, waiting for you to continue.

"Six years ago I was on a school trip, the annual trip Beacon Hills high do and the alpha pack kidnapped me. My Dad and brother probably think I'm dead now which is why I'm here. We live in Beacon Hills at least we did when I was living with them, I don't know if they still do. But the alphas they turned me and then used me as their own personal slave. It was horrible, I was only 16 at the time and I was petrified. They taught me how to control my powers on the full moon and everything but the things they did to me... the things they made me do, it was awful. Then a few days ago news spread that the alpha pack was dying, so I took my chances and when Deucalion and what was left of the pack went out for the afternoon, I ran. I ran as far as I could and then an omega found me and that's when you came in." You explained and Derek moved closer wiping a stray tear off your cheek that you didn't even realise was there.

"Hey, it's going to alright. Tomorrow once you have healed I will help you find your Dad and brother. I barely know you but for some reason I feel like I actually do know you." Derek said softly causing you to smile.

"Thank you, I just don't know how I'm going to keep the whole supernatural thing a secret to them. My brother is very nosy to say the least, but I love him." You said with a smile, trying to imagine how grown up Stiles would look now. He's probably tall like Dad. I wonder if him and Scotty are still best friends... who am I kidding of course they are. You smiled to yourself remembering the good old times the three of you had together.

"How about you help me find something for dinner for us and Isaac, then get some sleep and then I will help you find your father and brother?" Derek suggested and you nodded.

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