Chapter 9

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*10 minutes later*

"Peter a little help!" You shouted walking into the loft as Derek collapsed by your side.

Shit this type of wolfsbane is effective.

"Peter!" You yelled as he walked down the stairs with what looked to be a blow torch.

"I'm fine." Derek groaned sitting himself up against the wall.

"Yep, totally looks fine." You commented causing Derek to scowl at you and you knew it was best to keep your mouth shut. "Peter!"

"Relax, I'm coming." He replied crouching down next to Derek as he lit the blow torch.

"Wait, what are you doing?" You quickly questioned.

"Do you want him die? No. Then hold him still because this will hurt." Peter explained, so you grab Derek's shoulder with your good arm to help him stay still as Peter began to burn the poison.

It only took a few minutes, but God it felt like hours as you used all your strength to hold Derek still while you watched the flames against his stomach and tried to block out his screams of pain.

"Done." Peter sighed and Derek slumped against the wall gasping for air.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here." You said softly grabbing Derek's hand until he managed to get his breath back.

"Peter y/n's arm." Derek muttered and Peter nodded.

"This is going to hurt sweetheart." He warned and you sat down next to Derek and nodded.

"Why do I get the feeling your going to enjoy this?" You asked causing Peter to chuckle as he began to burn the wolfsbane out your arm.

The pain was excruciating, but Derek was holding your hand trying to take your pain. Once it was over you leaned into Derek next to you and you both sat there leaning on each other for the next hour until your skin had finally healed.

"Who where those men?" Derek asked breaking the silence.

"I have no idea, but they wanted me dead because Deucalion killed one of their sons." You answered and Derek grabbed your hand while you keep talking. "I was there when he killed the little boy and they wanted me dead because all I did was stand there and watch... I didn't try save the boy."

"You know it's not your fault right?" Derek asked and you nodded. "Good because otherwise I would have had to make a big long speech about how you didn't have a choice and if you did have a choice then you would have saved the little boy because that's the kind of person you are. You aren't a killer y/n, no matter what the colour of your eyes mean, you're not a killer. You're one of the nicest girls I know, who also don't take shit from anyone and that is really attractive." Derek said as he kissed your forehead. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Thanks to you." You responded before you heard the familiar sound of Stiles jeep pull up outside.

"Stiles is here." Derek announced having heard the jeep too and you nodded as Derek stood up holding his hand out and helping you up as well.

"y/n!" Stiles shouted opening the door to the loft and you spun around looking over at your brother who was followed by your dad.

"It's okay, I'm fine." You said looking over at Derek. "We're fine, if you can believe it, thank Peter for that."

"Allison told me everything, thank you Derek for saving my daughter, again." Your Dad said and Derek nodded.

"She would have done the same for me." He responded kindly.

"I will see you tomorrow Derek, pack meeting, don't forget." You said giving Derek an apologetic look and he nodded understanding that's it's a little too soon to hug and kiss in front of your Dad.

"You two go ahead I will meet you in the car." Your Dad said. Oh God, this won't be good.

You and Stiles walked out the room heading towards the jeep as you listened to your Dad talk to Derek with your werewolf hearing.

"So, you are dating my daughter?" You heard your Dad ask and you groaned knowing Derek was about to get told to stay away from you.

"What's he saying?" Stiles questioned and you hushed him while you continued listening.

"It sounds like you don't need me to answer that, sir." Derek responded.

"No, I don't and call me John." He said and your heart skipped a beat, is Dad being nice to him??

"Just make sure my daughter doesn't get hurt." He said.

"I promise I will do everything I can to keep y/n safe." Derek answered and you smiled.

"C'mon don't leave me hanging, what's Dad saying?" Stiles asked pushing you towards the jeep and you laugh d.

"Dad was actually being nice!" You responded and Stiles laughed, but then went serious.

"Wait, you're telling the truth? Damn! I owe Scott five dollars then." He stated causing you to chuckle as you laughed him into the passenger seat.

"This jeep was going to be mine before I was taken, so I should be able to drive it just this once." You said before Stiles could say anything.

"Alright point taken, you can drive her this one time." He agreed handing you the keys and you grinned.

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